
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) 38, 86, 90,
130, 154, 206, 453
Latto, Richard 232
laughing gas see nitrous oxide
Launay–Slade Hallucination Scale 378
Laureys, Steven 86, 348, 349
Lavie, Nillie 165
Lawrence, David Herbert 221
Leary, Timothy 358, 361
Lem, Stanislaw H. 321
Leonardo da Vinci 56
Leucippus 303
Levine, Joseph 28, 468
levitation 378
Lewis, Clarence Irving 36
Libet, Benjamin 18, 152, 169, 224, 225, 228,
229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 237, 479
Libet’s Theories: backwards referral
226 – 227, 232; conscious mental field
(CMF) 18, 45, 129, 196; half-second
delay 224, 226, 228; theory of neuronal
adequacy 225, 227 – 228; time-on theory
227; voluntary action 229 – 231
LIDA 331 – 332
life force 284, 293
limbic system 80, 144, 430, 449
limen 189; see also subliminal
Llinas, Rodolfo R. 132
Lloyd, Dan 77, 126, 474
lobster 257, 261 – 262
Locke, John 447
locked-in syndrome 92, 191, 460
Lodge, David J. 38–39
Loftus, Elizabeth F. 375
Logothetis, Nikos 82
Lovelace, Ada 323
LSD 179, 358 – 362, 368, 376 – 377, 382 – 384,
423; bicycle ride 360
lucid dream 348, 398, 405, 408, 414 – 422,
430; inducing 416
lucid dream machines 419
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus) 303
Luna, Luis Eduardo 394
Luria, Aleksandr Romanovich 143, 144, 150
Lutz, Antoine 181, 474
Lyell, Sir Charles 250
lysergic acid diethylamide see LSD

Mach, Ernst W. J. W. 139
Machiavelli, Niccolò 267
Machiavellian Hypothesis 267
Machiavellian intelligence 271
machine consciousness (MC) 303,
318 – 320, 324 – 325, 328 – 332 ; see also
artificial consciousness

machine modelling of consciousness
(MMC) 308, 332
machines: speaking 334 – 336
Mack, Arien 65, 66, 163, 169, 174
MacKay, Donald M. 147, 439, 449, 451
Macphail, Euan 98, 257, 281
macular degeneration 381
magic 67, 68, 135, 220, 230; difference
31, 57, 84, 86, 91, 111, 187, 207, 288;
ingredient 330; mushrooms 358
magician(s) 67 – 68, 87, 236 – 237
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 175
Malinowski, Peter 182
Mallatt, Jon 88, 258, 260, 285, 287
Maloney, J. Christopher 39
Malthus, Thomas Robert 250
Man a Machine (L’homme machine) 19
Mandler, George 240
mantras 180, 503
MAO see monoamine oxidase
MAOIs see monoamine oxidase
mapping states of consciousness 347 – 351
mapping the brain 79 – 80;
electroencephalogram (EEG) 79, 133,
192, 348, 399 – 400, 405, 418 – 422, 429;
nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) 80,
89, 109; positron emission tomography
(PET) 79, 93 – 94, 97; single cell recording
79, 86, 166, 223; transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS) 80, 233, 350, 424 – 425;
X-ray computed tomography (CT) 79;
see also brain, scanning
Marcel, Anthony J. 190
marijuana see cannabis
Marino, Lori 265
Mark 19 robot 40
Marks, David F. 389
Mary the colour scientist 38 – 41, 45, 282,
328, 470
Masters, Robert E. L. 360
matching-content doctrine 88
materialism 19 – 20, 38 – 39, 48 – 49, 227,
304, 438; eliminative 36, 77, 117, 197,
293, 345–346, 436
Matus, Juan 394
Maury, L. F. Alfred 408, 411
maya 493
MBSR see mindfulness-based stress
MC see machine consciousness
McCarthy, John 328–329
McEwan, Ian R. 80
McGinn, Colin 1, 29, 45, 327, 330, 478
McGurk effect 137, 386
McKenna, Terrance K. 359, 383
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