
(Tuis.) #1


MCS see minimally conscious state
MDMA see ecstasy
Mead, George Herbert 291
mechanical Turk 305 – 306, 315 – 316
medial lemniscus 225 – 227
meditation 22, 175 – 184, 350, 362 – 364,
494; altered states 351, 362 – 364;
attention 175 – 184; basic principles
177 – 180; Buddhist 495, 503;
concentrative 177, 178 – 181; deep 198,
300, 348; mindfulness 368, 419, 466, 495;
nondirective 183; open or receptive 178,
179, 181; posture 176; relaxation 175,
176, 347, 349; transcendental (TM) 175,
362, 503
mediums 152, 236, 377 – 378, 423
medulla 78 , 79
Meijer, Peter 209, 210
Meltzoff, Andrew N. 269
memeplex 271, 298 – 300, 461
memes 213, 297 – 301; animal 270 – 271,
273; creativity and 213, 298, 324;
definition 271, 298; internet 298, 299,
373; machine 300, 334 – 336; memeplex
271, 298 – 299, 300, 461 – 462; and minds
297 – 301; religious 219, 255, 299; self
and 299 – 300, 334, 458, 462; selfplex
299, 300, 334, 336, 462; tremes 299;
viral 299
memetic evolution 271, 335
memetics 298 – 300, 335
memory: and attention 166;
autobiographical 114, 265, 375, 450;
episodic 353; false 374 – 375; loss
149 – 150, 155, 347, 354; man (see also
Luria, Aleksandr Romanovich); semantic
353, 356; short-term 115, 133 – 134, 166,
309, 346, 356, 454; trans-saccadic 63;
very short-term (VTSM) 173; working
113 – 115, 131, 166 – 169, 187, 224,
353, 420
mental: field 196; function 347, 351, 363,
365, 408; health 5, 180, 356; illness 2,
14, 25, 243, 343, 351, 365 – 369, 379,
396, 441, 462; model 307, 313, 456;
science 21, 25; screen 108 – 111, 214, 288;
states 19 – 20, 29, 43, 77, 187, 197 – 198,
266 – 268, 437; theatre 104 – 106, 113,
115, 456
Mercier, Charles A. 27
mere exposure effect 192
mereological fallacy 77, 88, 148, 215, 235
Merikle, Philip M. 190, 191, 193
Merker, Bjorn 260

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 25, 26, 69, 70, 98,
311, 471
mescaline 357 – 358, 382, 384, 394, 422
mesmerism 440
Metzinger, Thomas 36, 129, 135, 136, 152,
271, 290, 320, 332, 350, 408, 423, 426,
452–453, 468, 504; profile 350
Metzler, Jacqueline 108, 109
Metzner, Ralph 361
micro-awakenings 399, 416
microconsciousness 136
microtubules 46, 121 – 122, 324, 333
midbrain 78 – 80, 92, 137 – 138
Mikulas, William L. 494, 497
MILD (mnemonic induction of lucid
dreaming) technique 419
Miles, James 243–244
Miller, George A. 25
Miller, Stephen M. 47–48
Milner, A. David 203, 204, 205, 208,
210, 227
mind-body 199; connection 19; dualism
98, 130, 294, 436; problem 11, 29, 32,
100, 294, 388
mindfulness 176 – 178, 182 – 183, 368, 498,
505 – 507; see also meditation
mindfulness-based, cognitive therapy 368;
stress reduction (MBSR) 176, 498
mindless design 249 – 251
mind reading 236 – 237
mindsight see change, detection
mind-stuff 28
mind-wandering 181 – 183
minimally conscious state 86, 93, 405
Minsky, Marvin L. 313
mirror self-recognition (MSR) 263, 266 – 267
Mitchison, Graeme 404
Mithen, Steven J. 290–291, 292
MMC see machine modelling of
mnemonic induction of lucid dreaming
mnemonist 143
modernist literature 21
Mondrian 135
monism 438; anomalous 15; dual-
aspect 479; neutral 20, 28; reflexive
477 – 479
monist theories of consciousness 15, 18,
21, 230, 353, 508
monitoring: inner activity 151; open 177;
reality 374, 379; self 43, 282, 295;
source 375
monoamine oxidase (MAO) 359
Monroe, Marilyn 58–59
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