
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

Moody, Raymond A. 428
Moody, Todd C. 42
Moore’s Law on Integrated Circuits 308
moral: decisions 194 – 195, 278 – 280;
responsibility 219, 232, 303, 437
morality 7, 30, 231, 244, 278 – 280, 304
Morland, Antony B. 207
morphine 500
Morse, Melvyn L. 424
motor cortex 79, 80, 107, 230, 233, 237,
399; primary 78, 222
Moutoussis, Konstantinos 193
movement 61, 67, 100, 131 – 132, 163, 222;
eye 49, 69 – 71, 86 – 87, 109, 162, 166 – 167;
involuntary 39, 80; rapid eye (REM)
399 – 407, 409 – 410, 413 – 414, 418 – 420;
saccadic eye 63, 162; skilled 201 – 202;
voluntary 163, 228 – 235, 238 – 239
movie-in-the-brain 55, 450
Movshon, J. Anthony 85
MPD see multiple, personality disorder
MRI see fMRI
MSR see mirror self-recognition
Müller-Lyer illusion 54, 376
multiple: drafts theory 90, 122 – 126, 142,
155, 369, 386, 409 – 410; personality
disorder 135, 143, 439 – 443, 450, 458
realizability 47 , 48, 198, 306; selves 458
multisensory: dreams 406; integration 129,
136 – 138, 429; perception 137, 429
mushrooms, magic 355, 358, 394
Myers, Frederic W. H. 378, 442
myoclonic jerk 413
mysterianism 29, 44 – 45, 122, 318 – 320,
476, 478
mystical experiences 358, 362, 366, 424,
494, 503, 508

Nagel, Thomas 1, 32, 33, 34, 44, 257, 461,
468, 477, 478
narcolepsy 382, 413 – 415
narrative gravity 336, 456 – 459
natural selection 250 – 256, 276, 280 – 283,
287 – 297
nature’s psychologists 293
NCCs see neural correlates, of
NDEs see near-death experiences
near-death experiences (NDEs) 382, 387, 398,
420, 423, 427 – 429; interpreting 429 – 430
Near-Death Experience Scale 428
Necker cube 81 – 82, 280
neglect 58 – 59, 129, 143, 163; hemifield
151 – 152; unilateral 151 – 152

neocortex 80
neo-Darwinism 254
neural: Activation Mapping Project 236;
Darwinism 296 – 297; networks 26,
309 – 310, 324, 384 – 385
neural correlates (NCs): of attention 166; of
awareness 349; of consciousness (NCCs)
xiii, 47, 81 – 88, 93, 174, 193, 260, 324,
402; of experience 474; of free-will 224;
of pain 96 – 97, 99; of vision 57, 205
neurocentrism 77
neuroeconomics 223
neuromodulator 11, 348, 351, 399
neuronal adequacy 225 – 228
neuronal GWT 87, 116
neurophenomenology 92, 181, 473 – 477,
480, 495
neurosis 395
neurotransmitter 11, 308, 322, 348 – 351,
364, 403, 406; dopamine 322, 423;
glutamate 93; serotonin 322, 348
niche construction 213
nirvana 349, 491, 506
nitrous oxide 93, 352 – 353
NMDA see N-methyl-D-aspartate
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 93, 353
nociceptive signals 48, 99, 450
Noë, Alva 17, 54, 56, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 88,
91, 100, 101, 205, 313, 385, 456
non-causal theories of consciousness
197 – 198
nonduality 180, 478 – 479, 493 – 495, 508
noradrenaline 348, 353, 364, 399
no-self 244, 436, 439, 493, 495, 498,
505 – 509; see also anatta
NovaDreamer 419
nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) 80, 109
numbsense 206

Oakley, David A. 293, 294
OBEs see out-of-body experiences
objective: reduction 120, 122, 324;
threshold 190
occipital lobe 78, 81, 86, 162
O’Hara, Kieron 48
Olson, Jay 236–237
Omega Point 252
ontogeny 48
operant conditioning 24
opium 21
Orch OR (orchestrated objective reduction)
O’Regan, J. Kevin xiii, 56, 64, 65, 69, 70, 71,
72, 100, 110, 313, 385
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