
(Tuis.) #1


Origin of Species 250
Ornstein, Robert E. 313
Orwellian revision 112, 153 – 155
ouija board 238
out-of-body experiences xii – xiii, 152, 354,
359, 380, 413, 416, 420 – 427; asomatic
422; parasomatic 421; theories of OBEs
423 – 424; virtual reality 426 – 427;
see also near-death experiences
Own Body Transformation Task 425

Pahnke, Walter N. 362
pain 46, 96 – 101, 128, 196, 292; in animals
98, 262; in meditation 362 – 364;
phantom limb 98 – 99; relief 352
Paley, Reverend William 249, 250, 251
panadaptationism 255
panpsychism 20, 46, 136, 284
Papineau, David 48, 49, 118
paranoia 356, 392
paranormal 25, 211, 236, 378, 387,
389 – 390, 431, 508
parapsychology 378, 387–388, 392, 416
parasomatic OBEs 421
Parfit, Derek 437, 443, 506
parietal lobe 78, 81, 86 – 87, 162, 416, 420
Parkinson’s disease 150, 423
Parnia, Sam 428, 429
Pascal, Blaise 305, 316
Pashler, Harold (Hal) 159
pathetic fallacy 49
Pavlov, Ivan P. 24
PCC see posterior cingulate cortex
P-consciousness see phenomenal
pearls on a string 453 – 454
Peirce, Charles S. 36, 188
Penfield, Wilder G. 424
Pennartz, Cyriel M. 118–119
Penrose, Sir Roger 46, 120–121, 122, 227,
294, 310, 324, 333
Perky, M. Cheves W. 374
Persinger, Michael A. 424
persistent vegetative state (PVS) 86, 93
PET see positron emission tomography
PGO waves see pontine-geniculate-
occipital waves
phantom limb 98 – 100
phenomenal: self-model (PSM) 320, 332,
408, 452; stance 337
phenomenal consciousness 134 – 136,
198, 200, 294, 462, 469; in ASC
367; comparison with access
consciousness 34 – 35, 88; definition

of 34 – 35; as illusion 294 – 295; split
148; suffering 261; see also access
phenomenality see phenomenal
phenomenology 22, 46, 50, 124 – 125, 333,
471 – 479
phenotechnology 350 – 351
philosopher’s zombie 41 – 44
phi phenomenon 153
phlogiston 293
photosynthesis 276, 466
phylogenetic 258 – 259
phylogeny 48, 258 – 259
physicalism 38 – 41, 198, 471
pictorialism 56, 108 – 110, 385
pigeon 24, 244, 265
Pigliucci 47
pineal gland 15 – 17, 56, 85, 105 – 107, 195
Pinker, Steven A. 45, 78, 146, 255, 272, 277,
278, 335, 468
Pino, Samanta 122
piti 363
pixie dust 122
PK see psychokinesis
Plato 103, 186, 303, 427, 436, 447
Plutarch 445
pons 78 – 79, 399
pontifical neuron 85, 107, 135
pontine-geniculate-occipital waves (PGO)
406 – 407
Ponzi schemes 299
Ponzo illusion 376
pop out 59 – 60, 71, 143, 146, 163, 167
Popper, Karl R. 18, 120, 129, 195, 196,
227, 437
positron emission tomography (PET) 79
posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) 182,
401, 475
postsynaptic membrane 309
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 162,
352, 368, 392
Povinelli, Daniel J. 263, 266, 268, 269
precognition 387 – 388
precognitive carousel 237
precuneus 87, 181, 183, 356, 420
prediction machine 26, 313
prelucid dreams 414; see also lucid dream
Premack, David 267, 269
premotor 169, 221, 233; cortex 222; theory
of attention 164, 166, 167
preSMA 95, 222, 224
pretty-hard problem (PHP) 48, 140 – 141
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