
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

primary: motor cortex 78, 222; visual
cortex, (V1) 38, 61, 78, 86, 135, 162 – 163,
207, 361, 383
Prince, Morton H. 440–442, 450
Principles of Psychology 21
Prinz, Jesse J. 45, 85, 122, 318, 320
problem-solving 144, 280, 284 – 285, 293,
356, 399, 419
Probo 338
procedural learning 149, 331
propositionalism 108 – 109
prosthetic limbs 322, 339
protoconsciousness 404, 406
proto-self 331, 449
pseudo: -hallucination 376 – 377, 383;
-randomness 310
psi 388 – 390
psilocybin 358, 361 – 362, 368
PSM see phenomenal, self-model
psychedelics 351, 354 – 361, 368, 385, 422,
psychic: phenomena 378, 387, 440; powers
379, 389
psychical research 377, 378, 387, 416,
422 – 425, 427, 440
psychoactive drugs 200, 350 – 360, 368
psychoanalysis 30, 186, 401, 404, 424
psychodynamic theory 30
psycho-integrator plants 394
psychokinesis (PK) 388
psycholitics see psychedelics
psychonauts 359, 383 – 384
psychoneural identity 227
psychons 195
psychophysics 18, 22, 95, 392
psychotherapy 200, 317, 401, 496 – 498
psychotomimetics see psychedelics
PTSD see post-traumatic stress disorder
pure consciousness 23, 179, 472, 503 – 504
Puthoff, Harold E. 388
PVS see persistent vegetative state
Pylyshyn, Zenon Walter 110
pyramidal cells 80 – 81

QRio 319, 323
qualia (singular ‘quale’) 35 – 37, 38, 41 – 47,
60 – 63, 77, 85, 91, 117; definition of
36; ineffable 37; of pain 98, 468; visual
206 – 207
quantum: coherence 46, 120 – 122, 333;
computers 121, 325, 333, 459; interactive
dualism 120; phenomena 122; physics
46, 120, 122; theory 46, 121, 227, 253, 333
quining qualia 36

radical empiricism 25
Radin, Dean I. 387
Rahula, Walpola 506
Ramachandran, Vilayanur S. 58, 59–61,
63, 98, 99, 100, 144, 146, 205, 449;
profile 60
Randi, James 67
random number generator 390, 426
rapid eye movement 399, 405, 416
rat 24, 137, 254 – 256, 405, 406, 430
rationality 168, 305, 315
readiness potential (RP) 79, 221, 229 – 230,
reality discrimination 374 – 376
reciprocal altruism 279
reduction, phenomenological 22, 472 – 473
reductionism 28, 83, 97, 122, 277, 476 – 501
reductionist theories 118, 294
reflexive monism 477 – 479
Reid, Thomas 438–439
reincarnation 175, 439, 491, 496, 506
Reiss, Diana 264
relativity 37
relaxation 175, 344, 349, 356, 364, 422;
alert 176; deep 175, 346 – 347
religion 7, 219, 252, 298 – 299, 422 – 423,
491 – 496; memes 219
REM see rapid eye movement
Rensink, Ronald A. 64, 65, 69, 70
representational theories of consciousness
197 – 198, 313, 503
repressed memory 375
reptilian brain 80
res cogitans 304
res extensa 16
retention, selective 251, 299
retina 22, 38, 56, 61 – 62, 111, 130 – 131, 174,
234; blind-spot on 58, 62, 373
retinal implants 208, 460
retroactive masking 226
retrograde amnesia 149
retro-selection theory of dreams 410, 415
reverberant loops 93
Revonsuo, Antti 366, 367, 368, 402, 403,
404; profile 402
Rhine, Joseph Banks 25, 387–388
Rhine, Louisa 387–388
Ricaurte, George A. 352
Rilke, Rainer Maria 56
Ring, Kenneth 429
rivalry 81 – 82, 88 – 90; binocular 62, 82,
90 – 91, 386
Rizzolatti, Giacomo 166
RNG see random number generator
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