
(Tuis.) #1


RoboDennett 39, 40
robot: anthropomimetic 322, 324,
332 – 333; ethics 320; humanoid
323 – 324, 338 – 339; lumbering 255;
social 323, 337 – 339, 430; wall-following
312, 314, 337
robotics: behaviour-based 312, 327, 332;
situated 312, 322; swarm 312, 322;
theory-led 333
Rock, Irvin 66, 163, 169, 174
Romanes, George J. 269
Rosch, Eleanor 496
Rose, David 117
Rosenberg, Monica O. 166
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 455
RP see readiness potential
rubber hand illusion 263, 354, 426, 480
rule-and-symbol AI 307, 310
Ryle, Gilbert 16–17, 18, 457

saccade 59, 63 – 65, 68 – 70, 162, 166, 167;
sound 209; visual 405; voluntary 201
Sacks, Oliver 149, 150
samsara 491, 496, 506
Sand, Nicholas 359
Sargent, Carl 392–393
Sartre, Jean-Paul C. A. 59, 471
satori experience 502
Saunders, Guy 33
Schank, Roger C. 326
Schenk, Thomas 205
Schilbach, Leonhard 481
schizophrenia 162, 237, 353, 366, 379 – 381,
386, 422
schizotypy 422
Schooler, Jonathan W. 243
Schrödinger equation 120
scotomas 61
Scutt, Tom 48
séance 236, 377 – 378
Searle, John R. 244, 259, 271, 308, 315, 318,
322–323, 325–329, 335, 468, 473, 478;
profile 326
second-person: methods 2, 465 – 467,
472, 481 – 483; neuroscience 481 – 483;
science 6, 124, 175
second replicator 300
Second World War 94, 253, 306 – 307, 499
seizures 144, 349, 365, 382, 440
Sejnowski, Terrance J. 153
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) 351, 353
self 17, 18; awareness 119, 181, 257, 265,
415, 443, 449, 475; conscious mind

129, 195 – 196, 227, 437; continuity
of 449 – 451, 454, 508; egos, bundles
and multiple selves 439; esteem 191;
forgetfulness 180; and free will 29 – 30,
504 – 505; monitoring 43, 282, 295;
report 88, 182, 357, 502; sense of 6, 295,
330 – 331, 420 – 421, 425, 455; supervisory
system 147, 439, 451; theories of 439,
443, 445, 455
self-conscious 25, 129, 195 – 196, 227, 262,
291, 356
self-consciousness 7, 26, 135, 152, 263,
271, 324
self-control 223, 346, 440
self-harm 365
self-help 191
Selfish Gene 255
selfish gene theory 255
selfish replicator 254 – 256
self-model theory of subjectivity 453
self-monitoring zombies 43, 282, 295
selfplex 299, 300, 334, 336, 462
self-recognition 262 – 266, 267
self-supervisory system 147, 439, 451
self-transcendence 498
selves in cyberspace 461 – 462
senile dementia 150, 379
sensorimotor: contingencies 62, 70 – 71,
313, 385; theory 69 – 72, 109, 173, 294,
313, 385
sensory: cortex 78, 81, 86, 99, 107, 210,
226, 232; deprivation 365, 380, 383,
386, 408; isolation tanks 350, 354, 380;
modality 53, 119, 137, 143; substitution
138, 208 – 210
sentience line 286
serotonin 322, 348, 351, 353, 359 – 361,
399, 405
Seth, Anil K. 50, 260
Seventh Sally 321
Sewell, Anna 256
Seyfarth, Robert M. 267
Shakespeare, William 186, 219, 319
shaman 359, 382, 393, 394
Shannon, Claude E. 306
Sheldrake, Rupert A. 390
Shelley, Mary W. 305
Shepard, Roger N. 108, 109
shikantaza 178
short-term memory 115, 133 , 134, 166,
309, 346, 356, 454
Sidis, Boris 188
Siegel, Ronald K. 359, 380, 382, 383, 384,
393, 414; profile 380
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