
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

signal detection theory 188 – 189
simulation: disembodied 324; theory 266,
Singer, Wolf 133, 135, 136
single cell recording 79, 82, 86, 166, 223
situated robotics 312, 322
Skinner, Burrhus F. 24
Slade, Peter D. 377, 378–379
sleep: borders of 377, 411 – 412, 414;
deprivation 365, 380; non-REM 399 – 403;
onset REM 413; paralysis (SP) 397, 399,
411 – 414, 421, 430; REM 348 – 349,
399 – 410, 416, 419 – 420, 423; slow-wave
sleep-wake cycle 28, 273
sleep-walking 348, 365, 399, 418
Sligte, Ilja G. 173
Sloman, Aaron 258, 330, 334
SMA see supplementary motor area
Smithies, Declan 168
snakes 152, 256, 377, 385, 394
SoC see states of consciousness
social: constructionism 26, 455;
intelligence 267, 290 – 291
Society for Psychical Research (SPR)
377 – 378
society of mind 313
sociobiology 277
somatosensory cortex 78, 81, 86, 96, 99,
225 – 226, 232
Soon, Chun Siong 233–234
soul 7, 17, 19, 21, 44, 85, 186, 196; animal
425; and astral body 423 – 424; atman
493, 505; God-given 279, 280, 321 – 322;
immaterial 17, 235; immortal 436,
439; and OBE/NDE 423 – 424, 429; the
quantum soul 120; theory 447
soundscapes 209 – 210, 419
source amnesia 94
SP see sleep, paralysis
spatial: ability 114, 143, 278, 424, 429;
attention 166 – 167; layout 69; map 137,
167; resolution 79, 160, 174
speaking machines 334 – 336
specious present 475
Spencer, Herbert 28
Spering, Miriam 87
Sperling, George 172, 173, 174
Sperry, Roger W. 144, 145, 146, 147, 230
spinal cord 78 – 79, 96, 98 – 99, 128,
221 – 225
spinocerebellar tract 79
spirit 236, 239, 321 – 322, 377 – 378, 393, 414;
animal 17, 200; reincarnating 437, 439

spiritual experience 25, 360, 362, 494
spiritualism 236, 378
spirituality 2, 25, 428 – 429, 492, 498,
502, 504
split brain 129, 135, 143 – 149, 443, 458;
twins 149
split personality 440
spontaneous: awakening 494, 499; OBEs
426; trait transference 193; voluntary act
(Libet) 229 – 231
spotlight: of attention 113 – 114, 159,
161 – 167, 172; of focal consciousness
Sri Aurobindo 252
SSRIs see selective serotonin reuptake
SSS see state-specific sciences
Stalinesque revision 112, 153 – 155
Stapp, Henry 120
Stargate project 389
states of consciousness: altered (ASCs)
343 – 371; meditation and 175 – 184, 350,
362 – 364, 494
state-specific sciences (SSS) 353
Stazicker, James 172, 173
Steels, Luc 335–336
Stevenson, Robert Louis 440
stimulants 351 – 352
strange loops 451 – 452, 456, 501
Strawson, Galen 453, 454, 501
stream of: consciousness 21 – 22, 145 – 146,
444 – 448, 505; multiple drafts 123; vision
6, 54 – 57, 68, 71 – 72, 142
stress: MBSR 176, 498; PTSD 162, 352;
reduction 175 – 176, 183 – 184, 498
string of pearls 453 – 454
Stroop: effect 182, 190; interference 143
Stuart, Susan A. J. 330
subconscious 30, 333, 441
subcortical: area 86, 138; loop 348;
pathway 225; structure 208
subjective: awareness 108, 202, 231;
experience 37 – 41, 113 – 118, 121 – 122,
225, 229, 319; ontology 468; pain 96 – 97;
qualia 35 – 36, 207, 288; referral in space
228, 402; referral in time 152 – 154,
226 – 228, 232
subliminal: advertising 191; perception
31, 187, 188 – 189, 214; self 188, 191;
stimulation 191 – 192; visual processing
subsumption architecture 312, 334, 339
suffering: animal 261 – 262; human 491;
machine 324
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