
(Tuis.) #1


Sufism 175
sukha 363
super: -activation 295; -alertness 295;
-blindsight 208 – 211
superego 30
superior colliculus 86, 130, 137 – 138, 154,
162 – 164
supernatural 45, 220, 235, 253, 357,
379, 495
superunity 143
supplementary motor area (SMA)
221 – 222
supraliminal perception 189
survival: after death 7, 219, 378, 430,
437, 459, 508; and evolution 289, 292,
297; of the fittest 251, 255; value of
consciousness 287 – 289
sutras 491
Swiss Army Knife 277 – 278, 290 – 291
symbolic: filling-in 59, 62; species 291;
thought 271, 291
symbol manipulation 326, 328
synaesthesia 60, 129, 137, 143 – 146, 209,
288, 354 – 356, 360
synaesthetes 143 – 146, 288, 382
synapses 18, 45, 120 – 122, 296, 304,
308 – 310
synchronisation 338
synchronised oscillations 46, 133 – 134
synchrony 101, 232, 475; binding by
132 – 135, 171
syndrome: amnesic 150; anarchic hand
223; Charles Bonnet 381, 384, 386;
chronic fatigue 367; Korsakoff ’s
149 – 150; locked-in 92, 191, 460;
philosophers’ 40; Tourette’s 224
Szilard, Leo 213

tactile vision substitution systems (TVSS)
Tai Chi 194, 350
talking heads 335 – 336
Tallon-Baudry, Catherine 133
Tamagotchis 336
Taoism 497, 507
Targ, Russell 388, 389
Tart, Charles, T. 344, 353
Taylor, John, L. 331
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 252, 253
telepathy 129, 378, 387 – 389
teletransporter 444 – 445, 448, 451
Teller, John, T. 67
temporal lobe 61, 78, 107, 162, 358, 413,
424, 430

temporoparietal junction (TPJ) 183, 361,
413, 425
terminally ill 358, 360, 362
termites 261, 270, 312
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 355 – 356,
382 – 384
tetrahydroharmine 359
thalamocortical: loops 80, 93, 118, 138;
system 93, 132, 260, 297, 399, 407
thalamus 78 – 80, 86, 93, 150, 225, 358, 450
THC see tetrahydrocannabinol
Theatre see Cartesian Theatre
theories of consciousness: causal and
non-causal theories 195 – 198; enactive
theories 141, 293; functionalism
198 – 199, 285, 288, 293, 476; Global
Workspace Theory 113 – 115, 167, 169,
196 – 197; integrated information 20,
93, 119, 138 – 141; materialism 19 – 20,
197, 214; multiple drafts 90, 122 – 126,
386; mysterianism 45, 320, 476 – 478;
predictive processing 294, 386, 406;
reductionist 83 – 84, 118, 294, 476;
representational theories 198 – 199, 367;
stream of vision 6, 54 – 57, 68 – 72, 142;
unity in action 141 – 142; visual binding
46, 131, 133; without theatres 117 – 122
theory of mind (TOM) 266 – 269, 273, 285,
481; computational 308; interaction 266,
481; simulation 266, 403
Theosophy religion 423
therapy 360, 441, 496 – 499; behavioural
367, 498; cognitive 368, 498; depression
358; psychotherapy xv, 200, 401, 496
Theravadan 363, 491
thiamine 150
third-person 173, 474, 478, 482 – 483; data
466 – 468, 476, 504; methods 465 – 466,
477 – 478; observations 477, 481;
perspective 97, 200, 287, 417; science
175, 465; views 4 – 6
third replicator 299 – 300
thisness 13
Thompson, Evan 88, 101, 108, 475, 492,
Thorndike, Edward Lee 270
thought: insertion 236; suppression 177
thought experiments 44, 304, 322, 459,
477; blindsight 209; Chinese Room 308,
325 – 328; intuition pumps 36; Marilyn
Monroe 58 – 59; Mary the colour scientist
38 – 41, 45; rules of 42 – 43; sensorimotor
theory 70, 72; what is it like to be 257;
with self 443 – 446
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