
(Tuis.) #1

  • InDex

time 226; backwards in 226, 232;
displacement 153; half-second delay
224 – 226
time-on theory of consciousness 227
timing and volition 232 – 234; see also
Titchener, Edward B. 23, 204–205, 465
Titchener illusion 204 – 205
TM see transcendental meditation
TMS see transcranial magnetic stimulation
Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolayevich 412
tomography: positron emission (PET) 79;
X-ray computed (CT) 79
Tononi, Giulio 93, 119, 138–139, 296, 297,
333, 404; profile 138
Tooby, John 277
total therapy 497
Tourette’s syndrome 224
Tower of Generate-and-Test 296 – 297
TPJ see temporoparietal junction
trance 146, 152, 365 – 366, 378, 440, 498
transcendence 25, 180, 253, 362, 459, 498;
of self 498
transcendental meditation 175 – 176,
179 – 180, 348, 362 – 363, 503
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 80
trans-saccadic memory 63
Treisman, Anne 132
trimethoxyphenylethylamine 358; see also
Triplett, Norman 67
Troscianko, Emily T. xii, 123; profile 4
Troscianko, Jolyon T. 261
Trurl’s perfection 321 – 322
tunnels and lights 430
Turing, Alan M. 306, 307, 310, 314, 319,
321–323, 324, 325; profile 307
Turing machine 307 – 310, 314, 321, 323
Turing test 307, 314 – 319, 325 – 328, 333
Turk, mechanical 305 – 306, 315 – 316
TVSS see tactile vision substitution systems
Tyndall, J. 27

unconscious: action 193, 194 – 197,
203 – 205, 220; emotional and social
effects 192 – 193; inference 26, 30, 187;
muscular action 236, 238; perception
188 – 194, 214; plagiarism 94; previewing
90; processing 90 – 91, 105, 148,
186 – 188, 210, 227 – 228
unconsciousness 92 – 96, 192, 205, 423, 462
unilateral neglect 151 – 152
unity: in action 141 – 142; of consciousness
119 – 121, 128 – 130, 130 – 155; as illusion

130, 142; of self 132, 435, 446 – 449, 455;
superunity and disunity 143; in time
152 – 155
Universal Darwinism 251, 255, 296 – 297,
Universal Turing Machine 307
user illusion 300, 334
Utts, Jessica 389

van de Castle, Robert L. 400
van Eeden, Frederik W. 415
van Lommel, Pim 387, 428–429, 430
Varela, F. 91, 473–474, 475, 476–477, 478,
495; profile 473
Vedanta 497
vegetative state 85 – 86, 93, 348 – 349
Velmans, Max 97, 200, 287, 477–479, 485,
velocity of thought 22
ventral: allocentric system 184; pathway
89, 205; stream 81, 91, 131, 162,
203 – 205, 208, 227, 259
ventriloquism 137
ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex 181
ventromedial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)
182, 223
very short-term memory (VSTM) 173
veto, conscious 231
Vicary, James 191
viral memes 299
virtual machine functionalism (VMF) 334
virtual reality 99, 392, 407, 415, 453;
generator 404, 406 – 407; out-of-the-
body 426 – 427
virtual representation 69 – 70
virus: of the mind 299; religion as 299
vision: conscious 57, 83 – 84, 86, 142, 207,
209; stream of vision 6, 54 – 57, 68 – 72,
visual: areas 62, 133, 144; binding 46, 131,
133; illusion 22, 53 – 54, 204, 245, 294,
376; perception 53, 56, 69, 160, 203 – 204,
386; stimuli 87, 173, 204, 225
visual cortex 33, 82, 86, 107, 109, 111,
130; activity in 13, 163, 210; in cats 132;
damage to 135, 162, 379; primary (V1)
38, 61, 78, 86, 162, 207; tunnels and
lights 430
visualisation 180, 495
visuomotor control 132, 194, 201, 203 – 205,
vitalism 322
VMF (virtual machine functionalism) 334
Vohs, Kathleen D. 243
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