
(Tuis.) #1


volition: neuroanatomy of 222 – 224; and
timing 232
voluntary action 221 – 224, 228 – 231,
233 – 234, 506
von Helmholtz, Hermann L. F. 22, 26, 30,
164, 165, 187
von Leibniz, Gottfried W. 304, 305
Voorhees, Burt 122
VSTM see very short-term memory
Vygotsky, Lev S. 26, 291

Wagstaff, Graham 366
Walter, W. Grey 237, 313, 362
Warrington, Elizabeth K. 206
Watson, John B. 24, 25
Watt, James 213
Watts, Alan W. 244, 497, 506
Watzl, Sebastian 168, 172
Webb, Taylor W. 167, 168, 171
Weber, Ernst H. 22
Weber–Fechner Law 22
Wegner, Daniel M. 83, 95, 177, 188, 232,
238–240, 243, 244, 507; profile 238
Weir Mitchell, Silas 98
Weiskrantz, Lawrence 150, 151, 206, 209
Weismann, August F. L. 253
Wei Wu Wei 244
Wernicke’s area 78, 107
West, Donald J. 378
West, Louis 380
what it is like: to be a bat? 32, 44, 257,
461; to be an octopus? 257, 273; to be
something? 27, 29; to be you? 4, 35
Wigner, Eugene P. 120
Wilber, Kenneth E. 252–253, 497
Wilberforce, Samuel 252
Williams, George C. 255, 277

Williams, Mark 498
Williams, Venus 202
Wilson, David Sloan 255
Wilson, Edward O. 255, 277
Wiseman, Richard J. 378, 419
Wittgenstien, Ludwig J. J. 16, 289
Woodruff, Guy 267, 269
Woolf, A. Virginia 5
Worsley, Alan 416
Wren-Lewis, John 500–501, 503
Wundt, Wilhelm M. 23, 24, 153, 165, 465

‘X’ 330 – 333
X-ray computed tomography 79

yage see ayahuasca
Yamdoots 430
Yąnomamö 393
yoga 176, 180, 194, 348, 350, 363, 419, 497
yogin 347, 497, 504

Zahavi, Dan 454, 455, 471, 475
Zeki, Semir 107, 135, 136, 148, 154, 193
Zen 178, 244, 353, 362 – 364, 495 – 503;
and attention 180 – 181; and the brain
181; Buddhism 180, 363, 493, 495 – 496;
enlightenment 502 – 504; paradox 495,
501, 504; and perplexity 501; training
181, 497
Zener cards 388
zimbo 43, 282 – 283, 295, 457
zombic hunch 285, 467, 469
zombie: evolution of 281 – 283, 287;
impossibility of 41–42; partial 206 – 207;
philosopher’s 41 – 44; replica 41; self-
monitoring 43, 282, 295; twins 41 – 42,
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