Combat aircraft

(Sean Pound) #1



Paul Crickmore is a renowned aviation
author and photographer. During
his 13 years at the London Air Tra c
Control Centre, he gained his pilot’s
license and was able to  y in a number
of USAF and RAF fast jets including the
Lightning, Jaguar and F-4 Phantom II.
His aviation-writing career began in
1981 when he was granted a special
security clearance to  y in a KC-135Q
tanker during the operational refueling
of an SR-71. Having written the  rst

substantive books about both the
Lockheed ‘Blackbird’ family and F-117,
he has become an acknowledged
expert on both of these former ‘Black
World’ programs. He is an honorary
member of the CIA’s A-12 Road
Runners, the USAF’s Blackbird and the
F-117 Nighthawk associations. // April 2018 05

4-5 Combat Edge C.indd 5 16/02/2018 10:

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