Combat aircraft

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team is now getting overrun and needs
your help. Maybe they extended your
mission and instead of being over Fallujah,
they need you north of Aleppo.’
‘Typically, we  ew with two di erent
loadouts,’ continues Taylor: ‘one each for
the  ight lead and the wingman. This
was to add  exibility. In the summertime
when the weather was better they would
carry GBU-12s and in the winter, when
the weather was bad, they  exed over to
JDAMs [Joint Direct Attack Munitions] that
typically included three [500lb] GBU-38s,
three GBU-54s and a single [2,000lb]
GBU-31 on the centerline for the wingman
and a rack of SDBs [GBU-39 Small
Diameter Bombs] for the  ight lead.’
Maj Jack ‘Slick’ Martin is a pilot currently
 ying with the ‘Lancers’, but he recounts
his experiences when he was with the
492nd FS at RAF Lakenheath. ‘We were
close to the  ght in England, so we
deployed multiple times. When I left
[Lakenheath] I had over 1,000 hours in the
Strike Eagle having  own combat missions
in  ve di erent countries.’
Martin’s most recent deployment started
o being part of Operation ‘Enduring
Freedom’, before switching to OIR. ‘There
wasn’t a lot of kinetic activity initially, so
we were just trying to get the lay of the
land and see who the players were. The
last two months of that deployment at
the end of 2014, everything went crazy. I
 ew with the same two WSOs during my
combat deployment. We can divvy up the
tasks because I can be working the tanker
and airspace issues and he can handle
the JTACs and the sensors. One time I was
on the [tanker] boom taking gas and my
WSO was targeting weapons. We had the
tanker drag us over the target area where
we then disconnected, went hot and then
dropped a bomb. The division of duties is
an amazing force multiplier.’
Sage believes the 30-year-old F-15E
is a critical element of USAF combat air
power, and will continue to serve with
great credibility until at least 2040. ‘On
its 30th anniversary, the F-15E is still a
phenomenal and capable war ghting
machine. It controls the sky and
dominates the ground,’ enthuses the
Strike Eagle a cionado. ‘It’s an important
piece of equipment our air force uses to
support global operations and national

Acknowledgements: The author
wishes to thank Col Christopher
Sage and the entire team at the 4th
Fighter Wing.

A sharp break is
executed for the
camera, showcasing
the smart special
markings of 87-0189.

January 2018



30-39 4th FW C.indd 38 23/11/2017 11:54

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