Combat aircraft

(backadmin) #1
Above left to
right: An LC‑130H
crew chief
monitors engine
start‑up at
Maj Emery
Jankord, the
commander for
the deployment
that CA joined.
mean that the
LC‑130Hs don’t
tend to stay still
for too long on
the ice.

wasn’t expecting much but it was nice
to slow down the approach, take it one
step at a time. You brief it and prepare so
much what you have to say, the core skills
are there ready when you need them. I
have landed on sandy, rocky, aluminum
matting runways but this was a different
experience. It’s bumpy and you seem to
slow down real fast.
‘I have been in the unit two years and
you hear stories and see pictures, but it’s
different to what I was expecting. Between
here at Kangerlussuaq and the ice cap it’s
like a different world. Here it is brown and
dusty and in just a few minutes’ flying time
it’s the ice cap, white and flat.

‘It’s great to get the valuable training
from the start to finish of the mission. The
mission here is unique — little things like
putting the skis down. It’s just not one of
those buttons you normally press, only
here and in Antarctica.’
The pilot for this mission was Lt Col
William Carraher. After dropping off the
passengers, the aircrew flew a number
of approaches and landings on open
snow where it isn’t so flat and nothing is
prepared. Carraher commented: ‘From the
time the passengers were dropped off to
being collected was an hour. In that time
the temperatures went from -22 to -17°F
[-8 to +1°C]. When we landed the second

time it took a lot more power just because
all the moisture in the snow grabs onto
the skis.’

Assisted take-off and
propeller upgrade
When conditions are poor or the aircraft
is heavy the wing has the option of using
assisted take-off (ATO) bottles, fitted next
to the paratroop doors. However, stocks
of the bottles are running low and the
LC-130H propeller upgrade means these
take-offs will soon no longer be required.
Under the NP2000 modular blade
upgrade, the aircraft will be given
eight-bladed propellers, together with



January 2018

60-69 Ski Herks C.indd 67 23/11/2017 11:50

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