Combat aircraft

(backadmin) #1
UN World Food Programme. The Syrian
Army garrison was kept  ghting by a
shuttle, via the government-held air eld
at Qamishli Airport, in the far north-east
of Syria. Syrian and Russian Il-76s  rst
 ew supplies and reinforcements up to
Qamishli Airport, before being cross-
loaded onto Mi-8/17s for the  ight south
into Deir ez-Zor.
To break the siege, Syrian and Russian
commanders devised a daring plan
that kicked o with a helicopter-borne
landing by Syrian troops behind IS lines
to the north of Deir ez-Zor in mid-August.
Two Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters
led the night-time raid, escorting three

troop-carrying Syrian Mi-8/17s to the
landing zone.
Further south, a Syrian column pushing
eastward along the main road to Deir
ez-Zor was provided with heavy air
support to blast through the IS defenses.
Four Russian Su-25 ground attack jets
were forward-deployed to T-4 air base
in central Syria to bring them closer to
the action, alongside Russian Ka-52 and
Mi-28 attack helicopters. The Syrian Arab
Air Force’s ‘elite’ L-39 Albatros battle eld
support squadron, which set up a new
base at Palmyra Airport, joined them.
Through August and into September,
the Russian and Syrian jets and attack

Top: RAF
FGR4s continue
to operate
Tornado GR4s
in the o ensive
strike role.
Crown Copyright
Above: There
has been
speculation that
reduced target
sets might
see the RAF
under Operation
‘Shader’ being
scaled back.
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January 2018

70-75 Shader C.indd 73 23/11/2017 11:49

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