Combat aircraft

(backadmin) #1
helicopters  ew daily missions against
the IS positions, allowing the Syrian
ground troops to edge forward to within
a few miles of Deir ez-Zor.
Video clips appeared online showing
devastating low-level attacks by the L-39s
and Su-25s as the battle reached a climax
in the  rst week of September. To protect
the  anks of the advance, a supporting
force of Syrian troops was sent to mop
up a large pocket of IS  ghters in the
mountainous center of Syria. Russian Mi-

28s were  lmed making repeated strikes
against jihadi-held villages, but one was
lost during one of these sweeps in the
 rst week of October after a reported
technical fault.

The race for oil
After Syrian troops punched through
IS lines to Deir ez-Zor, they turned their
attention to pushing southward to secure
a series of valuable oil elds between the
city and the Iraqi border. The Kurdish

Raqqa has become
the center of coalition
operations of late — this is
a section of F/A-18Ds from
VMFA(AW)-224 ‘Bengals’.
Crown Copyright/
Cpl Graham Taylor

A member of the Iraqi Security Forces
establishes a security perimeter
around a US Army HH-60M Black
Hawk helicopter from the 2-149th
General Support Aviation Battalion,
Task Force Rough Riders. US Army/
Capt Stephen James

A Su-34 of the
Russian Special
Purpose Aviation
Brigade at
Khmeimim, Syria.
Russian MoD January 2018



70-75 Shader C.indd 74 23/11/2017 11:49

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