Combat aircraft

(backadmin) #1


N OCTOBER THE Russian Ministry
of Defense announced that its
first Mi-28UBs were ready for
delivery at the Rostvertol aviation
plant in Rostov-on-Don. This
batch represents the first of an
initial 24 examples on order.
The Mi-28UB has been designed to
reduce the risk involved in Mi-28N
pilot training and to improve overall
efficiency. Within the next three years,
the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS)
could have as many as 48 Mi-28UBs in
service at six Army Aviation bases. The
aircraft will not only train Mi-28N and
Mi-28NM pilots but will also be used in
combat if required.

By 2009 a number of accidents had
occurred during training flights and
criticisms were leveled at Mi-28N pilot
schooling in the VKS. That year, Mil was
commissioned to design and develop
a training variant of its Mi-28 with dual
controls, unlike the standard Mi-28N
that only has controls for the pilot. The
trainer, named Mi-28UB, was primarily
intended to boost the prospects of the
export-oriented Mi-28NE (in which the
ā€˜Eā€™ stands for export).
Actual design work began in 2010,
and construction of the first prototype
was launched in April 2012. It was
based on a 2007-built Mi-28N that

The initial
prototype Mi-28UBs
were produced
through the
conversion of
existing Mi-28N
airframes. Russian
Erik Romanenko


January 2018


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