Healthcare Radius – December 2018

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privacy, treatment and recovery, but not
anymore. These areas have evolved into
places of residential aesthetics and zones of
comfort- enabling faster healing, soothing
and making patient experience similar to
home. At the same time, the furniture shall
meet age-old requirements such as durabil-
ity and ease of cleaning.
The paediatric divisions used to be zones
without many add-ons and this has evolved
into fun and frolic like environment with
interesting furniture with bright and
vibrant shades and play areas- enabling
children forget and divert from the illness.
The gynaecology room furniture has
progressed from functional to comfort
furniture to minimise stress and minimise
discomfort due to longer waiting hours.
Patients and visitors seating arrange-
ments have been replaced from row-based
to cluster based to enable social interac-
tions. Seats which are too low make it dif-
ficult to stand without assistance. Seating
furnitures are being provided with grasp
points on front of the arm, providing a
stable platform or push point. A seat that

pitches forward assists patients with a safe
exit from the chair.

What about furniture for patient
In modern healthcare, family is integral to
healing process. From the limited access
available earlier, today we have family-
friendly facilities with comfortable waiting
areas and private lounges. IP rooms with
basic furniture have been replaced with
multi purpose furniture/ space enablers,
integration of modularity and storage solu-
tions without compromising efficiency.
In the era of nuclear families, a patient’s
family is no longer confined to immedi-
ate ones like spouse/children/parents but
includes extended multi-cultural families
as well as friends as a patient’s care-giving
community. In response to these needs,
healthcare facilities are actively incorporat-
ing designs to accommodate newer family
dynamic, cultural push factors and psycho-
social influences that enable increased fam-
ily involvement in patient care. This shift
impacts the types of furniture required in
various locations – such as waiting areas
and patient rooms.
The role and the positive impact fam-
ily members can have on their loved ones
during the healing process is immeasur-
able. As a result, healthcare institutions
have transformed into hospitality, rest and
recuperation zones in tune with the needs
of new-age patients. This has resulted in the

  1. Healthcare
    are actively
    designs to
    newer family

  2. The paediatric
    division has
    evolved into fun
    and frolic like



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