Healthcare Radius – December 2018

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  1. Technology has
    enabled quick
    tracking of nearby
    hospitals, improved
    engagement and
    easy access to health
    reports and records.


s we all are aware, the Indian
healthcare sector is one of the
fastest growing industries in
the world and as per the pub-
lished data, by the year 2020, it is poised
to become one of the top three healthcare
markets globally, in terms of incremental
growth. In fact, according to India Brand
Equity Foundation Report 2017, this
growth will come to an estimated CAGR
of 22.87%. Since both public and private
hospitals are equally responsible for the

last mile delivery of healthcare services in
India, they are key players in the creation
of an enabling and conducive ecosystem in
the country.
Accounting for almost 80% of India’s
healthcare market, the private sector is a
vibrant force that has boosted expenditure
to 4.7% of the GDP and will continue to
drive the sector’s growth. As we all know,
none of this will be possible without a
collaborative partnership with the Gov-
ernment as they are also playing a critical

The transformation

Healthcare service delivery is poised for a change with
advanced technology and collaborative partnerships



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