Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

Nezara viridula ( L .) 403

    1. 4 A t t r a c t - a n d - K i l l S t r a t e g i e s

It is well established that stink bugs prefer to colonize seed- and fruit-producing hosts. The attract-and-
kill strategy involves taking advantage of this behavior by recruiting Nezara viridula through use of a
highly attractive crop (or lure) and then, subsequently, controlling the pests through site-specific insec-
ticide applications and/or beneficial insects. The attractive crop (often termed a trap crop) typically is
planted early on a small amount of land for the sole purpose of luring the pest away from the principle
cash crop. Trap crops for N. viridula are well studied in many agronomic production systems including,
but not limited to, cotton (Tillman 2006, Tillman et al. 2015), pecan (Smith et al. 1996), sweet corn (Rea
et al. 2002), and soybean (McPherson and Newsom 1984, Todd 1989, Smith et al. 2009). Results are vari-
able, but this practice generally is successful at reducing stink bug populations as long as the bugs are
eliminated before the trap crop matures or the nymphs complete development.
In addition to recruiting populations of pest insects, trap crops can aid in recruitment of beneficial
insects and lead to reduced number of insecticide applications to the main commercial crop (Tillman
2006, Tillman and Carpenter 2014). Also, trap crops such as sorghum can act as a physical barrier in the
landscape for pest insects moving into commercial cotton production (Tillman 2014).

7.7.5 Chemical Control

Chemical control of insects in agriculture involves the use of synthetic or naturally derived insecticides
to reduce populations before they cause economic damage equal to insect management costs. Chemical
control is the most successful and widely used control strategy for stink bugs including Nezara viridula.
Unfortunately, there are currently no selective insecticide chemistries for managing stink bugs, so grow-
ers rely on broad spectrum materials such as organophosphates (IRAC [Insecticide Resistance Action
Committee] group 1B), pyrethroids (IRAC group 3A), and neonicotinoids (IRAC group 4A). Numerous
studies have evaluated the efficacy of various chemical control options for stink bugs in agricultural settings
(e.g., Greene et al. 2001a,b, 2005; Tillman and Mullinix 2004; Willrich et al. 2004a,b), and some research
trials have provided information regarding insecticide performance specific to N. viridula (Greene et al.
2001a,b, 2005; Willrich et al. 2004a,b; Tillman 2006). Generally speaking, N. viridula is more susceptible
than Euschistus spp. to pyrethroid insecticides including cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, and lamda-cyhalothrin
(Willrich et al. 2003). More specific information on stink bug management is presented in Chapter 16.

7.8 Future Outlook

Management of Nezara viridula and other phytophagous pentatomids will require that we look outside
the realm of conventional control measures (i.e., insecticide applications) for effective pest control. For
example, genetically modified cotton plants (Bt-cotton) have been extremely successful in controlling
heliothine pests. Developing a similar approach to deliver a control agent or toxin(s) deleterious to phy-
tophagous pentatomids would be paramount in reducing our reliance on conventional control measures,
assuming approval by governmental regulatory agencies and acceptance by the consumers.
The area of plant-insect-pathogen interactions should continue receiving attention. Although bacteria
long have been associated with Nezara viridula, ingestion of Pantoea agglomerans by first instars and
retention through second instars could have implications for management of this stink bug if pathogens
are retained throughout adulthood (and preliminary data indicates that such is the case; Jesus F. Esquivel,
unpublished data). For example, when the pathogen is detected in early instars collected from the field,
perhaps more conservative treatment thresholds and/or earlier monitoring could be implemented. This
approach remains to be verified, but research to date suggests a need to re-assess management tactics.
Recent simulated climate warming outdoor experiments, with Nezara viridula as a model species,
demonstrates that responses of this pentatomid will be different for different life-history traits and sea-
sons (Musolin et al. 2010, Musolin 2012). Thus, warming is expected to affect nymphal development
negatively during the hot season (Musolin et al. 2010, Tada et al. 2011), accelerate development in the
spring and autumn, and/or enhance survival of adults in the winter (Musolin et al. 2010, Takeda et al. 2010).

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