Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

460 Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

weed species in South Africa (Olckers and Zimmerman 1991). In addition to members of the night-
shade family, however, this stink bug also feeds on soybeans, green beans, okra, and sunflower in Brazil
(Panizzi and Slansky 1985, Panizzi 2015) and soybeans in Argentina (Rizzo 1976, Panizzi et al. 2000).
Not much information is available on the damage caused by feeding of this bug; however, it has been
reported to cause wilting of potato leaves (Dias et al. 1985, Panizzi et al. 2000) and presumably, causes
injury to fruiting structures (Olckers and Zimmermann 1991).
The immature life stages of Arvelius albopunctatus have been studied in Brazil by Grazia et al. (1984),
who reported that eggs are deposited in clusters of 7 to 65 on host plants. Campos et al. (2007), also in
Brazil, described three color morphs for fourth and fifth instars. Nymphs feed on fruit, leaves, and stems
of their host plants (Panizzi et al. 2000).

9.8 Acknowledgments

We thank J. E. Eger (Dow AgroSciences, Tampa, FL) and J. J. da Silva (Embrapa Soja, Brazil) for the
images of Oebalus spp. and Arvelius albopunctatus, respectively, used in this chapter.

9.9 References Cited

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