Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

The Antestia Bug Complex in Africa and Asia 469

Antestiopsis intricata has a broad west-east distribution in tropical Africa, starting from the western
coast to the eastern horn of the continent. It is the only species of Antestia bugs reported on coffee in
West Africa. Carayon (1954a) reported that A. intricata was collected for the first time in the Grand-
Bassam area of the Ivory Coast in 1855. The species, at first, was not considered distinct from A. faceta
but because of the study of Ghesquière and Carayon (1948), the species was later named correctly as
A. intricata. In 1942, the species (as A. faceta) was reported in large numbers on Coffea canephora
(Robusta coffee) and Coffea liberica, in the southern Ivory Coast, especially in the Man area (Carayon
1954a). Some specimens were collected in the early 19th century from neighboring West African coun-
tries such as Guinea, Ghana, and Benin. Other specimens from Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African
Republic, DRC, Uganda, Western Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan were addressed by Carayon (1954b) and
Greathead (1966a).

10.2.4 Antestiopsis facetoides Greathead

1876 Antestia variegata: Stål, K. Svens. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 14: 96 (Zanzibar). (part, misidentification).
1937 Antestia faceta: Kirkpatrick, Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond., 86: 250–251, 339–340. (misidentification).
1959 Antestiopsis sp. indescr.: Le Pelley, East Afr. High Com., 54: 54–55, 126, 234. (Nairobi).
1966a Antestiopsis facetoides Greathead, Bull. Ent. Res., 58: 529–531, (new name for variegata: Stål, 1876).

The distribution of Antestiopsis facetoides Greathead is limited to Eastern Kenya and Eastern Tanzania,
including Zanzibar, where it often is found mixed with A. thunbergii bechuana on coffee, sometimes
displacing it in plantations at lower elevations.

10.2.5 Antestiopsis clymeneis (Kirkaldy)

1861 Pentatoma confusa Signoret, Faune Hém. Madagascar, Deux. Part. Hét., 3: 932. (preoccupied).
1865 Antestia confusa: Stål, Hem. Afr., Tom. Prim. 4: 201–202 (Stockholm).
1909 Antestia clymeneis Kirkaldy, Cat. Hem., 1: 128. (new name).
1934 Antestia clymeneis var. flaviventris Frappa, Bull. Econ. Madagascar, 89: 371. (synonym).
1952 Antestia confusa: Cachan, Mém. Inst. Scient. Madagascar, 1: 429.
1969 Antestiopsis clymeneis: Greathead, Bull. Ent. Res., 59: 307–310, new combination for Antestia clymeneis
Kirkaldy, 1909.

Antestiopsis clymeneis (Kirkaldy) is known only from Madagascar, where it is reported on Arabica
coffee and wild Rubiaceae. Greathead (1969) addressed the classification of the species and distin-
guished two subspecies: A. clymeneis galtiei (Frappa), which is the most common on coffee, and A.
clymeneis frappai, a new subspecies reported on wild Rubiaceae of the genera Gaertnera, Saldinia,
and Mapouria.

10.2.6 Antestiopsis cruciata (F.)

1775 Cimex cruciatus Fabricius, Syst. Ent. : 714–715.
1837 Pentatoma pantherina Westwood, Cat. Hem. Coll. Rev. F.W. Hope, M.A., 8: 34 (London). (synonym).
1843 Pentatoma cruciata: Amyot and Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem., 132–133.
1861 Strachia geometrica Nietner, Obs. enemies coffee tree Ceylon, 18. (synonym).
1867 Strachia velata Walker, Cat. Spec. Hem. Het. Coll. Brit. Mus., 329. (synonym).
1902 Antestia cruciata: Distant, Fauna Br. India, incl. Ceylon Burma, 1: 185. (new combination).
1918 Plautia picturata Distant, Fauna Br. India, incl. Ceylon Burma, 7: 136 (synonym).
1952 Antestiopsis cruciata: Leston, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 45: 269, new combination for Antestia cruciata Distant, 1902.

Although Leston (1952) included this Asian species in the genus Antestiopsis, some authors from Asia
still use the name Antestia cruciata (e.g., Chandra et al. 2012). Antestiopsis cruciata is known from

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