Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

604 Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

Nakamura, K., and H. Numata. 1998. Alternative life cycles controlled by temperature and photoperiod in
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Nakamura, K., and H. Numata. 1999. Environmental regulation of adult diapause of Graphosoma rubrolin-
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Entomology and Zoology 34: 323–326.
Nakamura, K., and H. Numata. 2006. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the induction of adult dia-
pause in Dolycoris baccarum (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) from Osaka and Hokkaido, Japan.
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with English summary)
Nielsen, A. L., and G. C. Hamilton. 2009. Life-history of the invasive species Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera:
Pentatomidae) in the Northeastern United States. Annals of Entomological Society of America 102:
Nielsen, A. L., G. C. Hamilton, and P. W. Shearer. 2011. Seasonal phenology and monitoring of the non-
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Niva, C. C. 2003. Molecular and neuroendocrine mechanisms of photoperiodism in Halyomorpha halys
(Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Ph.D. Dissertation. Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. 114 pp.
Niva, C. C., and M. Takeda. 2003. Effects of photoperiod, temperature and melatonin on nymphal develop-
ment, polyphenism and reproduction in Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Zoological
Science 20: 963–970.
Noda, H., and T. Ishii. 1981. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the ovarian development of the white-
spotted stink bug, Eysarcoris ventralis (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Japanese Journal of Applied
Entomology and Zoology 25: 33–38. (in Japanese with English summary)
Noda, T. 1984. Short day photoperiod accelerates the oviposition in the oriental green stink bug, Nezara
antennata Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 19: 119–120.
Numata, H. 1985. Photoperiodic control of adult diapause in the bean bug Riptortus clavatus. Memoirs of
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series Biology (Kyoto, Japan) 10: 29–48.
Numata, H. 1990. Photoperiodic induction of the first and the second diapause in the bean bug, Riptortus
clavatus: a photoperiodic history effect. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, Neural, and
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Numata, H., and S. Kobayashi. 1994. Threshold and quantitative photoperiodic responses exist in an insect.
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Numata, H., and K. Nakamura. 2002. Photoperiodism and seasonal adaptations in some seed-sucking bugs
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Panizzi, A. R., and E. Hirose. 1995. Seasonal body weight, lipid content, and impact of starvation and water
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Panizzi, A., J. E. McPherson, D. G. James, M. Javahery, and R. M. McPherson. 2000. Chapter 13. Stink bugs
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Perepelitsa, L. V. 1971. The role of photoperiod in the development of Dolycoris baccarum. Byulleten’
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Petrova, V. P. 1975. Stink bugs (Hemiptera, Pentatomoidea) of Western Siberia. Novosibirsk State Teacher’s
University, Novosibirsk, Russia. 238 pp. (in Russian)
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