Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

814 Plants Index

altissima, 251, 255, 273, 384
canadensis var. scabra (syn. of Solidago altissima)
gigantea, 384
leavenworthii, 384
arvensis, 214
oleraceus, 384
chrysophylla, 389
japonica, 254
airia, 254
americana, 254
aucuparia, 254, 268
Sorghum, 217, 254, 258, 265, 270, 271, 274, 305, 307, 392,
399, 403, 458, 471, 738, 739
Sorghum, 471
bicolor, 217, 254, 265, 305, 307, 738
bicolor ssp. bicolor, 392
bicolor var. sudanense, 217
halepense, 217, 305, 738
vulgare (syn. of Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor)
Sorgo, 392
Sorrel, 392
Southern magnolia, 253
Soya, 388
Soybean, 5, 10, 11, 79, 95, 126, 244, 250, 253, 256,
258, 259, 265, 270–273, 294–300, 302,
306–313, 316–321, 337, 338, 366, 388,
396–403, 426–431, 435–440, 460, 579,
613, 620–622, 625, 659, 662–666, 683–
685, 694–696, 699, 704, 705, 708, 712,
713, 738, 739, 741–743, 748, 749, 755
Spanish moss (overwintering), 371, 385
Spanish needle, 384
Spiderwisp, 385
Spinach, 214, 385
oleracea, 213, 214, 385
Spiny amaranth, 383
Spiny gourd, 216
Spiny spiderflower, 385
Spiraea, 254
Spirea, 254
mombin, 432
Spring raab, 225
Squash, 44, 386
Star magnolia, 253
Sterculiaceae, 394, 395
koreana, 255
pseudocamellia, 255
Stock, 216
St rawb er r y, 11
String bean, 303, 388
Striped maple, 251
Stylo, 304
guianensis, 304

japonicum, 255
japonicas, 255
Sudan grass, 217, 226
Sugar cane, 305, 392
Sugar maple, 251
Sugarbeet, 214
Sugarcane, 217, 392
Sugi, 698
Summer squash (= Field pumpkin), 252
Sunflower, 10, 253, 270, 271, 274, 383, 460
Sunn-hemp, 387
Sweet alyssum, 213, 216, 225
Sweet banana pepper, 258
Sweet bell pepper, 258
Sweet cherry, 254
Sweet corn, 255, 258, 270, 403, 742
Sweet gum, 307
Sweet persimmon, 252, 258, 265
Sweet potato, 301, 386, 459
Sweetgum, 253
Swiss chard, 251
Sword bean, 387
globulifera, 471
Symphytum, 255
pekinensis, 255

rosea, 72
Taiwan-kudzu, 310
Ta nacetu m
cinerariifolium, 481, 733
Tangerine, 305, 393
Tansy mustard, 215
Taramira, 215
Tat-soi, 215
Tatarian honeysuckle, 253
Taxodiaceae, 698
Ta xus
cuspidata, 255
Tea, 5, 218, 265
Te a k , 81
Teco m a
stans, 72
grandis, 81
Tephrosia, 389, 733
daniellii, 255
hupehensis (syn. of Tetradium daniellii)
Texas redbud, 252
Texas thistle, 383
Theaceae, 138, 218
cacao, 394
Thistle, 214, 383, 384, 396
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