aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(WallPaper) #1
airworthy: “The Star ghter was
an important aircraft, not just for
Norway, but it was NATO’s frontline
 ghter for many years. As this is
now the only  yable example left in
Europe, it’s our duty to keep it alive.
“However, it must pay for itself.
The Sola Air Show at Stavanger
in June 2018 was its  rst public
air show appearance, and it was
the star of the show. But there are
a lot of expenses to be covered
as the J79 gulps a lot of fuel.
Remember that each appearance
also uses a minimum of three drag
’chutes: one on arrival, one at the end of the
 ying display and one upon return to Bodø.
Although they can be re-used, they need
to be re-packed by trained personnel and
special equipment is needed.
“So, these expenses must be
covered. Since this is a two-seat
airplane con gured as a trainer, we
could conceivably sell rides in the back seat
to a select group of candidates. There are
other possibilities for generating revenue
with the F-104, all of which we’re exploring.”
There’s another matter on the horizon
that concerns Andreassen deeply: “In the
next few years, as the Norwegian Air Force
replaces its F-16s with F-35s under its NATO
obligation, Bodø Air Base is expected to
close. Simply put, the Star ghter project
depends on the resources available at Bodø.
When that base closes, we’ll be left without a
home and without the support of the base.

“It’s not a simple case of
moving to another airport – so
much of the support resources
speci c to the F-104 are located
here. The same goes for the
technical expertise since many
of the technicians who worked
on the Star ghter when it was in
service are still based here. To
be honest, we’re not at all sure of
the future of 637 once Bodø Air
Base closes.”
But, looking at what
Andreassen has accomplished up
to now, it’s a pretty good bet he’ll
come up with an answer that will enable 637
to continue  ying, entertaining and educating
the public and allowing an exclusive few the
thrill of  ying one of the hottest jet  ghters
ever built – for many years to come.
For now, the CF-104D brought back
to life by the Friends of Star ghter
Norway is up and running, and has
thrilled crowds at air shows in Stavanger,
Norway and Aalborg. The aircraft departed
to Leeuwarden Air Base on June 14 for the
75th anniversary ceremony of the Royal
Netherlands Air Force’s 322 Sqn – which
had previously  own the Star ghter.
More shows are in the planning for the
2018 season though there are no con rmed
dates yet. Seeing it  y brought a lump to the
throat of this journalist, and I’m sure many
other people enjoyed the thrill of watching
this classic  ghter jet back in the air again,
where it belongs.

46 Aviation News incorporating Jets August 2018

“As this is now the

only fl yable example

left in Europe, it’s our

duty to keep it alive.”

Experienced test pilot Eskil Amdal was
chosen to  y the Star ghter. Jay Selman

Star ghter 637 en route to Leeuwarden
Air Base for the Royal Netherlands
Air Force’s 322 Sqn 75th anniversary
ceremony. Dr Kevin Wright

42-46_starfighter_norwegianDC.mfDC.mfDC.mf.indd 46 05/07/2018 18:29

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