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Canadair built 340 Star ghters under licence from Lockheed in Montreal, Quebec, from March
1961 to September 1963. A total of 200 CF-104s served with the RCAF until 1986. RCAF

The  rst of the 2,578 Star ghters – Lockheed XF-104 53-7786 in USAF markings during an
early test  ight. Not surprisingly, the Americans were the  rst users of the type. USAF

A mixed bag of new and used Star ghters were acquired by Greece during the Cold War. The  rst factory-fresh ‘Stars’ were delivered in the
early 1960s and were joined during the type’s time in service by second-hand examples from Spain, the Netherlands and West
Germany. Shown is RF-104G 6642 of 336 Mira at Rimini AB, Italy, while on a squadron exchange with 102° Gruppo/5° Stormo in
September 1992. The type was withdrawn by the Hellenic Air Force the following year. AirTeamImages.com/Kieron Collection

The Royal Danish Air Force’s F-104G R-345 from 726 Squadron at Aalborg, Denmark, in May 1986. The Star ghter began to replace the North
American F-86D Sabre in Danish service in 1964 and continued its frontline duties until 1986. A total of 51 were operated by the Danes over the
years. AirTeamImages.com/Kieron Collection

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