aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(WallPaper) #1


n June 30, 1968, thousands of
factory workers, a large number
of US Air Force officials and a
smattering of VIPs, gathered
at Lockheed’s Marietta home in Georgia
to watch a signi cant moment in aviation
history. A massive white and blue aircraft
appeared at the end of the runway at
around 7.45am and powered up its four
General Electric TF39 engines – they
bellowed black smoke as it started its take-
off run. Although it was travelling at what
seemed like a walking pace, test pilot Leo
J Sullivan eased C-5A Galaxy 66-8303
into the air and a legend was born. The

 ight lasted for 1hr 34mins, and no major
problems were encountered.
The need for a very large, jet-powered,
transport aircraft to supplement the USAF’s
Lockheed C-141 Starlifter  eet was identi ed
in the early 1960s, and the tender eventually
won by the Galaxy was announced by
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on
December 22, 1964. Lockheed put forward
its C-5 on April 20 the following year, and it
was given the green light  ve months later
with an order for 58 examples and an option
for at least 100 more. In 1967 the type was
christened – appropriately considering its
huge size – the Galaxy, and the prototype

was rolled out for President Lyndon B
Johnson on March 2, 1968.
However, the project had its critics. High
costs and technical problems were often cited
as reasons for axing the programme, but
these issues were perhaps to be expected
with such a ground-breaking venture.
The  rst example, 67-0170, was handed
over to Military Airlift Command (MAC) on
December 17, 1969 for initial aircrew training.
Its time with the military was short when it was
lost in a ground  re at Palmdale, California
less than six months later, but the unit had  ve
other aircraft on strength at the time, so the
training programme wasn’t seriously affected.




Lockheed’s incredible C-5 Galaxy strategic airlifter fl ew for the fi rst

time 50 years ago. We mark this special milestone by taking a

look at the giant’s history and current role. Words by Nigel Price.

58 Aviation News incorporating Jets August 2018

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