aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(WallPaper) #1
4/5 ZM418 Atlas C1 arrived on delivery to 70 Sqn.
5/5 ZJ119/C Merlin HC3 845 NAS, RN. 8/5 A41-209
C-17A 36 Sqn, RAAF n/s. 13/5 TC-TUR A330-243 &
TC-CAN A340-542 Turkish Government both dep
15th; 1962 C-27J Slovak AF; 177703 CC-177 429 TS,
RCAF dep 16th. 14/5 Z21121/TS-MTK C-130J-30
Tunisian AF also 18th; 77/XD TBM 700A French AF
also 17th. 15/5 09-0001 Gulfstream G550 Turkish AF.
23/5 ZZ532 & ZZ522 Wildcat HMA2s 815 NAS, RN.
26/5 A39-006 KC-30A 33 Sqn, RAAF dep 28th. 28/5
ZZ407 & ZZ398 Wildcat AH1s 659 Sqn, AAC. 30/5 02

1/5 ZM310 Prefect T1 3 FTS, RAF o/s. 4/5 ZJ809
Typhoon T3, fuselage departed by road. 16/5 ZM311
Prefect T1 3 FTS, RAF o/s. 21/5 07-7181 C-17A
437th/315th AW, USAF n/s.

22/5 06-6159 C-17A 60th/340th AMW, USAF o/s. 30/5
86-0098/DY, 86-0101/DY & 86-0119/DY B-1Bs 28th BS,
7th BW, USAF all dep 18/6.

5/4 83-1285 C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF n/s. 6/4
87-0036 C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF n/s. 10/4
ZJ184 & ZJ213 Apache AH1s 3/4 Regts, AAC both

dep 13th. 13/4 08-3176 C-130J-30 317th AG, USAF
also 15th. 18/4 E94/705-RH & E115/705-MR Alpha
Jet Es EAC00.314, French AF both n/s. 23/4 70-01947
C-130E 222 Filo, Turkish AF dep 25th. 26/4 E163/705-
RB Alpha Jet Es EAC00.314, French AF o/s.

1/5 93 C-17A NATO SAC n/s. 10/5 07-7188 C-17A
437th/315th AW, USAF n/d. 14/5 13-5778 MC-130J
67th SOS, USAF. 22/5 62-3517 KC-135R 197th ARS,
Az ANG dep 24th; 62-3508 KC-135R 141st ARS, NJ
ANG dep 24th. 23/5 15-5822 C-130J-30 37th AS, 86th
AW, USAF also 24th. 24/5 12-0064 CV-22B 7th SOS,
USAF; 12-5772 AC-130J 73rd SOS, USAF dep 28th.

4/5 5699 C-130J-30 335 Skv, Royal Norwegian AF;
N48-008/08 & N48-024/24 MH-60Rs 816 Sqn, RAN
both were airlifted out on the RAAF C-17As that
visited later in the month; 123/62-IM CN-235M
ET00.062, French AF; 54+18 A400M LTG62, German
AF; 10-0220 C-17A 62nd/446th AW, USAF n/s. 8/5
A41-206 C-17A 36 Sqn, RAAF; 130617 CC-130J
436 TS, RCAF also 10th. 9/5 A41-209 C-17A 36
Sqn, RAAF. 15/5 166695 C-40A VR-56, USN. 21/5
168431/LK P-8A VP-26, USN. 23/5 50+86 Transall
WTD61, German AF n/s. 24/5 168998 P-8A VP-26,
USN dep 27th. 30/5 54+08 & 54+12 A400Ms LTG62,
German AF; 672/3-XV & 650/3-IA Mirage 2000Ds
EC01.003, French AF both n/s.

6/6 ZM145, ZM146, ZM147 & ZM148 F-35Bs
arrived from the US, 617 Sqn. First F-35Bs to be
based here.

4/5 CE-02 ERJ 135LR 15 Wing, Belgian Defence – Air
Component. 7/5 14-5805 MC-130J 9th SOS, USAF
n/s. 8/5 165151 C-20G CFLSW Sigonella. 12/5
11-9358 E-11A 430th EECS, USAF n/s. 14/5 10-3068
C-146A AFSOC also 15th & 20th. 17/5 96-8154 EC-
130J 193rd SOS, Pa ANG also 30th. 18/5 85-0002
C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF n/s. 22/5 ZM336
Phenom T1 3 FTS, RAF o/s. 23/5 ZM335 Phenom
T1 3 FTS, RAF o/s. 25/5 081 A340-200 ET60, French
AF. 28/5 12-5772 AC-130J 1st SOW, USAF n/s. 29/5
165810 KC-130J VMGR-252, USMC dep 31st. 31/5
78-0641, 80-0184, 80-0258, 80-0262, 81-0975 & 81-
0998 A-10Cs 107th, FS, Mi ANG all dep 2/6; 81-0994
& 81-0996 A-10Cs 107th, FS, Mi ANG both dep 4/6.

3/5 97-0105 UC-35A E/1-214th AVN, US Army n/s.
8/5 15-20741 UH-60M A/1-214th AVN, US Army. 13/5
168205 UC-12W USMC dep 15th. 15/5 ZM514/14
Juno T1 DHFS. 17/5 81 Xingu 38F, French Navy. 23/5
185 Falcon 10MERs 57S, French Navy. 30/5 166377
C-37N VMR-1, USMC dep 2/6. 31/5 MM62244 Falcon
900EX 31° St, Italian AF.

1/5 ZJ210 & ZJ224 (also 11th) Apache AH1s 3/4
Regt, AAC. 4/5 ZZ413 Wildcat HMA2 815 NAS, RN.
11/5 ZJ215 Apache AH1 3/4 Regt, AAC. 16/5 ZM336
Phenom T1 45 Sqn, RAF o/s; ZJ119/C Merlin HC3
845 NAS, RN n/s. 24/5 ZZ377 Wildcat HMA2 815
NAS, RN. 30/5 ZJ183 & ZJ210 Apache AH1s 656
Sqn, AAC.

1/5 ZZ413 Wildcat HMA2 815 NAS, RN. 15/5 N2824B
& N2826B Texan T1s arrived on delivery, they will
become ZM323 & ZM324 respectively.

17/5 E94/705-RH Alpha Jet E EAC00.314, French AF.

Key: n/s night stop; o/s overshoot



http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 69


A selection of the most interesting aircraft
to visit air bases in the UK recently.

French Air Force Airbus A310, F-RADC, on approach to RAF Mildenhall on June 6. Justin Ward

Euro ghter EF-2000T 98+03, Instrumental Production Aircraft 3 from WTD 61 at Manching
taxiing at RAF Lossiemouth armed with an AMRAAM. Three other Euro ghters from TLG 74,
30+42, 30+93 and 30+94, also took part in the AMRAAM trials at the MOD Hebrides Range off
northwest Scotland. All four aircraft departed on June 22. Niall Paterson

69_airbasesDCDC.indd 69 06/07/2018 14:18

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