Scale aviation modeller international

(Martin Jones) #1

team, and because it was one
of the schemes that required
the fewest decals – I was a
bit sceptical about how the
kit decals would behave.
I sprayed a light coat of
Tamiya XF2 as a primer and
to see any blemishes in my
illing. I went with Tamiya
Acrylic Yellow applied in
two light coats, and after
masking I used Tamiya XF1
Black for the wing and tail
stripes. These acrobatic
planes are really well-cared
for, so pre-shading was
avoided and weathering
was kept to a minimum.
I used a black micro permanent marker
along the control surfaces, and dark grey Faber
Castel Pitt Pens along certain panel lines. A
coat of Tamiya X22 Clear was applied before I
applied the decals. Much to my surprise, the
decals performed superbly (using Micro Set and
Sol), even the long stripes that go on the sides
of the fuselage, with no silvering anywhere
to be seen. I give the decals 10 out of 10.

I really like the Pitts planes, and I ́ve wanted one
in my collection for some time. This was a very
enjoyable kit although of very poor quality. It really
requires some modelling work to make it look nice.
I ́m sure there are better options on the market for
the subject, but this one was already in my stash.
Only recommended to modellers with some
experience. Review sample courtesy of my wallet.


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