Scale aviation modeller international

(Martin Jones) #1
could not get it to it. After opening
up the fuselage and thinning down
the cabin sides I got it to it in: not
perfectly straight, but it’s in there.
The clear styrene is crystal
clear and allows all the detail
inside to be easily seen. I placed
the included canopy masking set
in its locations and painted the
window XF-1 Flat Black. I then
masked the entire window, with the

exception of the pointed section on
top, as this is meant to be orange
along with the rest of fuselage.

Since I was going to be painting
this kit orange I needed a white
base coat. The white was going
to help me in two very important
ways. First, it would help the
orange stick to the surface better.
Secondly, it would help the orange
to be a brighter colour and requires
fewer coats of paint, reducing
the risk of a runny paint job.
Finding a close shade of orange

was the biggest task of the model. I
bought and tried several diferent
brands and none of them really
looked the part. After studying
many pictures I was able to inally
ind the colour I was looking for.
Under the bright sun the X-1 gives
of a very yellow appearance, so I
thought that the best thing to do
was ind a yellow and then add
orange until I had the desired shade.
I began by using two of the new
Vallejo Mecha colour paints: two-
three parts Yellow (69.004) and one
part Orange (69.007). I was really
happy with the colour but if I were
to build another orange X-1, I might


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