the complete camera nose. The mouldings are
typical of limited-run kits: flash on most parts,
thick trailing edges, indifferent part fit, and
large sprue gates. The instructions have several
part number callout errors and omissions.
Four different paint schemes and markings
are provided in the kit and illustrated in colour
on the back of the end-opening box. Generic
colour callouts are given, with no reference to
the official nomenclature of the paint scheme
depicted. “Shark/Vera” of the 12 PRS is in Haze;
“80” of GR11/33 Free French AF is in the RAF
Temperate Land Scheme with sky extending up
to the top surfaces; 289 “Zola” of the 22PS/7 PG
is in what I interpret from photos to be PRU blue;
and an OD/gray aircraft based in Alaska. The
French aircraft was perhaps flown by Antoine
de Saint Exupery on some of his missions.
The decals are accurate and very well
researched, although some of the colours of the
personal markings vary from other references.
Having previously built RS Models’ P-38G
Lightning, I approached this build with
some trepidation, as I had found that
kit very difficult to build, and this kit is
essentially the same. There are fit issues
with many of the subassemblies, requiring
lots of dry-fitting, sanding, and filling.
As usual, cockpit assembly came first. The
cockpit has acceptable detail, although the
instrument panel requires hand painting.
The instructions show the installation of
a seat frame that isn’t on the sprue, but
is easily scratch-built from some wire. I
painted the cockpit interior green with
appropriate details picked out in black.
The finished cockpit was glued into the
upper fuselage. There is no locating point
for the cockpit, so I eyeballed it based on
photos of where the seat back is located
relative to the fuselage opening.
The nose landing gear bay is moulded in two
halves, even though the larger main gear bays are
one piece. Being two pieces there is an unsightly
056-65-Reviews-1118.indd 57 12/10/2018 15:58