Scale aviation modeller international

(John Hannent) #1

Lockheed RF-80A

Sword 1/72 Lockheed RF-80A: Shooting Stars Over Korea by Steve Corvi

SCALE: 1/72
PARTS: 54 grey plastic, 5 clear plastic, 5
TYPE: New-tool



he Lockheed F-80 was
the first operational
jet in the USAF, which
served in fighter, bomber, and
reconnaissance roles. It did not
incorporate the swept-wing
configuration of the contemporary
F-86; instead, the airframe had
a conventional straight wing
layout with the centrifugal-
type Allison J-33 jet engine.
The RF-80A was powered by
the then-newer GE J-33-GE-11
centrifugal flow engine, which
produced 3850 lbs of thrust. For
cameras, the RF-80 was fitted
with K-17 and split-vertical K-22
cameras. It entered service in
1948 and was the USAF’s major
reconnaissance jet aircraft,
flying many sorties over North

Korea and China’s Yalu river
regions. It was also the chase
plane during the famous X-plane
flights of the late 1940s.

The Sword kit is the first dedicated
kit of the RF-80 in 1/72 scale,
although there have been a few
nose conversions for other 1/72 kits
of the F/P-80 (especially the Airfix
kit), in both vacform and resin.
Sword released versions of the
P/F-80 kits, and they are excellent
limited-run kits that build into nice
examples of the type. This kit is the
first dedicated 1/72 RF-80 in one
box, with everything the modeller
needs to build the kit without
resorting to the aftermarket.

The kit requires that you cut the gun
nose off and use an injected clear
nosepiece for the recce version.
The fit is good, but I recommend
you measure carefully before
committing to cutting the nose. The

cockpit is a good representation
of the front office but requires
some careful painting. I used
Mike Grant instrument decals
to get the panel looking smart.
With appropriate washes
and dry-brushing, the resin seat
painted up well, as does the cockpit
itself. I painted the interior of
the fuselage with interior green
and aluminium colours, with
washes to lift out the detail. At
the same time I also painted the
resin wheel wells and wings to
prepare for the main airframe
construction. The main colours
I used were Gunze H464 Chrome
Green and Tamiya XF-1Flat Black.
To make the build go easier, I
employed some scratch-building by



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