The wings are anchored by a
substantial spar, which is fitted
in the lower centre section of
the wing. This fixes the parts
at the correct dihedral with no
problems at all. I found that the
safest sequence to ensure a good
fit is to attach the centre wing
assembly to the fuselage halves,
and once this is set firmly, add
the lower outer wing panels.
The upper wings are added next,
and if you have followed this order
of assembly you will have a degree
of adjustment, which helps the
fuselage/ wing join. I find this is
the best technique with kits whose
fit may be suspect and has saved
me many problems in the past.
The wing leading edges have a
total of eight air intakes moulded
in them, and these took a degree
of work with scalpel and file to
achieve the elliptical section
of the originals. They are quite
prominent though, so it’s worth
the time and effort involved.
One disappointment is that
there is no vestige of detail within
the main wheel bays, and since
I could find no references for
the area, that’s how they stayed
(can any reader help here?)
I found that the locations for
the tailplanes are insubstantial,
to say the least, so drilling and
pinning was the order of the day,
although to save masking I kept
these parts separate from the
rest of the model until the main
camouflage colours were on.
The two aircraft options offered
by the kit decals differ in both
the colour and pattern of the
camouflage schemes that were
applied, “Fiona” bearing dark earth
and green on the top surfaces while
“Fortuna” was grey and green. Both
aircraft were painted aluminium
underneath. I had decided on
“Fiona” early on in the build, for no
particular reason except it looked
good in the picture on the box.
As usual, I began with a coat or
two of Tamiya Fine Surface Primer
to highlight any discontinuities
or unfilled gaps. Once all was
smooth, I pre-shaded it all over
using Tamiya X-18 Semi-gloss
Black. The eagle-eyed among you
will notice that I missed the panel
line around one of the upper engine
nacelles. Blame age for this, but the
omission is hardly obvious once
the camouflage colours are on.
The underside was painted with
a 50/50 mix of Tamiya XF-16 Flat
Aluminium and XF-19 Sky Grey. I
figured that diluting the metallic
nature of the paint would allow
my pre-shading to show through,
and so it proved. This was followed
by my own mix of dark earth (the
recipe of which is long forgotten),
and then by Tamiya XF-81 Dark
Green 2 (RAF), with both colours
being applied thinly and patchily to
allow the pre-shading to do its job.
Masking for the green was
the usual white tack sausages to
give a soft edge. There are those
out there who are brave and/
or talented enough to airbrush
soft-edged camouflage schemes
freehand, but sadly I am not
among their number. A couple of
gloss coats then followed, ready
for the application of the decals.
The decals are beautifully printed
and include silver outlines for the
upper registration letters. They
settle perfectly while allowing
some “wriggle time”, but they
are very thin and consequently
prone to folding and tearing if
clumsily handled (guess how I
discovered this!) However, they
are sufficiently robust to recover
from such clumsiness, and once
they are dry the carrier film is
as close to invisible as it gets.
I did have some issues with the
instruction’s positioning guide,
as it shows different positions
for the decals on each side of the
fuselage, while the size of the
registration letters also differs
from the actual decals. This gave
me a few headaches when it came
to trying to position them evenly.
Unfortunately, there is very
little reference available for the
camouflaged Albatrosses, so best
guessing is all I was able to do.
By comparing the few existing
pictures of Fiona I would suggest
that the fuselage codes are a bit on
the large side, but not having a stock
of any suitable silver-edged codes in
my decal stash, I could do nothing
other than use what was supplied.
Once decals were on, the
whole airframe received a
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