Scale aviation modeller international

(Nandana) #1
housings at this point as these
will impede painting and decaling
later. Provided you took care in
the preparation, attaching the
wings and intakes is easy enough
with only a small amount of filler
required at the joints. I left the
tailplanes off until later as they
mount with a small spigot which
makes them very susceptible
to damage during the build.
Leaving them off will also make
the decaling stage a lot easier.

Once I was happy with all the
joins I attached and masked the
canopy as this would also act as a
mask for the cockpit. I omitted the
undercarriage legs and exhausts
until the end of the build, again to
make painting and decaling stages
easier, as well as reducing the risk
of damage to the undercarriage
legs. I also left off all the little
aerials to the end for same reason.

First I carefully airbrushed black
on the outside of the canopy to
give the correct inside colour.
Once that was dry, a light coat
of silver reduced the tone before
the model was sprayed overall
with Halfords white primer. Once
that was fully dry, there was a
lot of masking needed to avoid
any risk of overspray from the
application of the blue colour

which was the next step. The
instructions indicated a mix of
Mr Color acrylics, specifically
80% of 322 (Phthalocyanine Blue)
and 20% of 323 (Light Blue). This
required several light coats to get
a uniform density and it was only
when I came to apply the decals I
found that the mix was a little too
dark. You might want to play with
the ratio to get something more
akin to the decal colour. Previous
experience with the Hasegawa


022-27-FEAT-T4-1018.indd 24 14/09/2018 15:14

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