The slats and flaps are intended
to be posed drooped, which is fine
by me; if you want them neutral the
front ones should be OK, but the
rear ones probably not as I don’t
think they would fill the space.
The next stage deals with
the radar. I’m a bit ambivalent
about this sort of detail
but I built it anyway.
Stage 10 fits the rear canopy
part, the radar and nose cone,
the wings, and the horizontal
tails. I fitted the wings (less the
flaps) and rear canopy part but
left the tail parts off for now.
Sanding down the joint along
the chine and the front fuselage
(while looking at pictures) gave
me another prototype/production
problem. The details on the
kit in front of the cockpit and
behind the radome appear to be
correct for production aircraft,
but Black 902 isn’t a production
aircraft. It differs quite a lot:
there are no slime lights and the
dielectric panel is in a different
place, and it also has air data
sensors that aren’t on production
aircraft, which I had to add!
Stage 11 adds some aerials and
the vertical tails (again, I left them
off for now); a couple of intakes on
the upper surface between them;
the canopy parts; the tail cone
(parabrake?); and the refuelling
probe. There’s no option suggested
for having the tail cone closed or
the refuelling probe retracted.
The probe should be pretty easy
to fit closed (so I left it for later)
but the tail cone required a little
more thought. I’ve only seen one
picture of the tail cone open and as
there is no detail supplied for the
insides I don’t really understand the
rationale for posing it the way the
instructions and paint guides would
have it, so I just fitted it closed.
The canopy framing includes
some piping detail, and it’s
nice to see something in this
often- neglected area. Though
014-21-FEAT-Flanker-0918.indd 18 16/08/2018 17: