pipes were picked out with Mr.
Metal Colour Copper. They were
then given various washes from
Games Workshop: Nuln Oil to pick
out the cylinder fins, Seraphim
Sepia to give an oily look, and
Thraka Green to give the copper
induction pipes a heated look.
As this was a quick build I had
also identified all of the parts on
the sprue that required a wood
finish. These were given a spray of
a cream colour to act as a base for
the wood finish to follow, but...
It was at this point in the build
that the Editor phoned me from
the 2017 Nuremberg Toy Fair to let
me know that Eduard had given
us the test shot of their brand new
SE5a, and to ask if I could turn it
around as a build in three weeks for
the next issue of the magazine!
I did, but this is where my issues
with the Caudron build started...let
me state here, these issues are mine
and not the kit’s! After finishing
quite an intense build like the SE5a,
I felt a bit flat for a while and found
it very hard to start modelling
again. In this down time I tinkered a
bit with the Caudron and with other
odd models, but found I couldn’t
concentrate as I should on the build.
I had also joined a Facebook
group for Copper State Models
builders, and just after I joined
there began to appear some
absolutely stunning builds of
the Caudron. I began to wonder
if I could match these builds and
the self-doubt began to kick in.
I know that I may not be a world
class model maker, but I know
that I am not too bad; I have a few
medals and trophies in my display
cabinet to remind me of this.
By this stage, though, I
was beginning to wonder if I
could do this model justice and
match the high standard of the
online builds that seemed to
be appearing on my Facebook
feed on an almost daily basis.
It was against this background
of mental angst that the build
slowly progressed. The parts I had
previously sprayed on the sprue
022-29-FEAT-Caudron-0918.indd 24 16/08/2018 17:13