MD-87 Erickson Aero Tanker
AMP 1/144 MD-87 Erickson Aero Tanker by Toni Hausler
SCALE: 1/144
KIT NO: 14001
TYPE: Injection moulded plastic
PARTS: Plastic 68; clear 1
rickson Aero Tankers first
put the slender, swift and
surprisingly sturdy MD-87
to the task of fighting wildfires in
- Capable of carrying 3,000
gallons of retardant and dashing
back to base at speed to reload, it
may not be quite as versatile as
“scoopers” (such as the CL-415),
but is still an effective machine in
its own right. So it is nice to see
a modern fire-fighting aircraft
in kit form without having to go
hunting for obscure aftermarket
decals. This one appears to be
closely related to the Eastern
Express kits of the MD-87 (and
its cousins, the DC-9 and Boeing
717 series) in various schemes.
Packed into a modest box are
a series of finely moulded grey
sprues, a small packet containing
parts for two different belly
tanks, a clear part for the canopy,
a comprehensive decal sheet,
and a set of masks. Detail is crisp
throughout and some parts are
impressively delicate - be careful
not to cut yourself on the trailing
edges of the wings...! There is some
flash and a bit of general cleanup
on some parts is required, but
nothing too tedious to begin with.
Not having built an airliner kit
of this type before, I admit I was
looking forward to not having to
deal with the cockpit for a change.
However, not only is a cockpit
included, it looks so nice that it
would be churlish not to build it.
The finished result is quite visible
through the windscreen, but an
opaque decal is also provided in case
transparencies are not your thing.
Moving on to the nosewheel
bay, I found that most of the
eleven parts are so hopelessly
delicate and/or indefinable that
I was sorely tempted to just give
up and close the gear doors. But I
persevered, and after closing this
microscopic masterpiece up inside
the fuselage, I was left with a tiny
twig-like nose leg peeking out of a
largely concealed bay, just begging
to be knocked off multiple times
throughout the rest of the build.
The main landing gear comes
later on in the build, and it is
equally intricate and fiddly. The
instructions are somewhat open
to interpretation, so looking at
photos of the real thing first helped
immensely. The final assembly
looks barely capable of supporting
itself, let alone the weight of the
finished model, but is adequate
so long as it is handled gently. I’m
not sure whether these modern
kits are aimed towards ease of
modelling so much as “hey, look
what we can do with these moulds!”
Closing up the fuselage requires
patience, care, a little trimming,
and a lot of filler to hide the slightly
imperfect seam line. Almost all
major seams on my kit required
filler to some degree, so be prepared
for a lot of sanding, including
around the canopy transparency.
Fitting the rudder to the fin
required a lot of very careful
knifework, shaving a few microns
off the hinge attachments at a
time. Fortunately, the tailplane is
hassle-free. The engines, which
are quite nicely detailed inside and
056-63-Reviews-0918.indd 56 16/08/2018 17:34