Sea Hurricane MkIb
Airfix 1/48 Sea Hurricane MkIb by Sacco de Vries
SCALE: 1/48
PRICE: €24.95
NE W-TO O L. This version was first released
in 2017.
y first model Hurricane
is still in my modelling
cabinet, a Monogram
Mk II, which I finished about 45
years ago. What a leap in quality
and surface detail since those days
is to be encountered on opening
the newly-tooled Airfix Sea
Hurricane! Based on their earlier
Mk I kit, this box contains the
same four sprues of grey, slightly
grainy plastic, and one clear sprue
for the canopies and lights.
The level of detail is absolutely
great, with crisp recessed panel
lines and subtle fabric detail. The
attention to detail is outstanding;
even the slight offset of the rudder
to port is represented, something
quite rare in Hurricane kits.
You also have a lot of choices:
the undercarriage can be posed
retracted or extended; a choice of
canopies can be opened or closed;
there are movable control surfaces;
and you have a choice of Rotol
or de Havilland propellers. Two
decal options are included, one for
a Sea Hurricane of 880 squadron
on May 6, 1942, when AF955 was
during Operation Ironclad. The
other is for P2731, assigned to 804
sq. aboard HMS Eagle in 1941.
The superb Imperial War
Museum website provides images
of Sea Hurricane AF955, and
even a short movie made during
Operation Pedestal (https://www.
object/1060006304). This has
some interesting footage of how
Hurricanes took off from the small
flight decks under their own power,
without any catapult assistance.
Landing must also have been quite
a nerve-wracking experience.
This kit has been reviewed
in the December 2017 issue of
SAMi, so I will try to focus on a
few extra things rather than the
construction of the basic kit.
The subject of the Airfix kit is a
Sea Hurricane 1B, which type was
fitted with catapult fittings for
use on MAC ships and a tail hook
as standard. The rear catapult
fitting is not included, but since
that was only a short steel tube
sticking out of the fuselage, it
was easily made up from a piece
of sprue (although there is no real
evidence that AF955 carried it).
Testing of all major assemblies
revealed no fit issues, other than
that the construction of the
fuselage insert requires a somewhat
complex 4-way joint between the
wings and nose. Instructions are in
typical current Airfix style, showing
previous steps highlighted in red.
I was aware that previous reviewers
had fit problems with the kit, so
I deviated from the instructions
by first fixing all of the ribs and
frames to the lower wing. Repeated
dry-fitting with the upper wing
and fuselage halves produced
a perfect fit. The advantage of
doing it this way is that the entire
cockpit, with its beautiful internal
structures, can be mounted to a
solid base with no fit problems.
Airfix suggests Humbrol
H78 Cockpit Green, with the
internal tubular frames in 56
Aluminium, which is correct
Sea Hurricane AF955 is the second plane on the deck of HMS Victorious during one of the convoys
to Malta in 1942. Courtesy of Imperial War Museum, London, UK
The completed Airfix Sea Hurricane at the same angle
Details of the internal structure of the wing and cockpit
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