for early Hurricanes converted
to Sea Hurricane standard. I
applied Alclad Aluminium to
most of the internal visible parts
first, before adding Cockpit
Green and Satin Black. I used a
light wash with diluted Tamiya
Smoke to pick out the details.
I made a representation of
the 4-point seat harness from
small strips of Tamiya tape, and
the latch and clasps from a set
of generic WWII Reheat fittings.
Fitting the seat harness required
drilling a small squared-off hole
in the seat armour plate. This,
and adding the scratch-built
headrest is best done before, not
after constructing the cockpit!
The control column sits a bit
too high in my opinion, almost
touching the reflector gun sight, so
I shortened the lower part by about 1
mm. Normally I do not build models
with anything but all controls
at neutral, as flight training
procedures require this for parked
aircraft. However Airfix provides
separate control surfaces so I
glued the control column slightly
towards the port side. Remember
that in this position the port aileron
should be pointing upwards and
the starboard one downwards,
but only by a few degrees.
The kit supplies quite detailed
gun bays; one option is to leave
the gun covers off, exposing all
eight .303 Browning machine guns
and their associated ammunition
canisters, but I decided to finish
the model with closed covers.
Next were the landing lights,
with the prominent black frames
and the upper wing parts glued to
the lower wing. The enclosed wing
spar ensures correct wing dihedral.
To close up the fuselage, I again
deviated from the instructions
by gluing the fuselage sides to
the upper wing inserts first,
before closing up the fuselage
undersides. By doing it this way I
achieved a near perfect fit without
any filler required. I did not drill
out the gun ports because they
were going to be covered with
red protective tape in the form
of the supplied decals, as seen in
numerous period photographs.
Remaining parts were fitted
as per instructions while a few
missing items were added from
plastic sheet, sprue, and fine wires.
This included the oil collector
ring behind the spinner, the
prominent brace on the inside of
the oil cooler, the rear view mirror
on top of the cockpit, and the
inside and outside cockpit grips.
Even with these additions it
seemed only a very short time and
my model was ready for painting.
I used Xtracolor Sky, Extra Dark
Sea Grey, and Slate Grey as the
Fleet Air Arm (FAA) colours of
the day, which was applied free
hand. I know that the FAA used
template mats but I still like a bit
of light overspray at this scale.
Decals went on without fuss.
They reacted well to Micro Set and
Sol and were sealed with MicroScale
Matt. Since the plastic is slightly
grainy I overlaid the gloss Xtracolor
with a few coats of Humbrol Clear
to achieve a smooth surface.
In the IWM movie of the
squadron taking off it appears
that one of the upper camouflage
colours, probably slate grey, was
much less reflective compared to
the other colour, as if it had been
recently re-applied. Because the
Sea Hurricanes spent all their time
out on the open deck this seemed
an obvious repaint job, so I buffed
up my MicroScale Matt varnish
coat to achieve minor differences in
reflection. Unfortunately this does
not show up very well in the images.
Weathering was done behind
the gun ports and on the underside
representing oil stains. I added
prominent exhaust stains on the
fuselage sides, while other wear
and tear was kept restricted to
engine and gun cover screw heads,
as apparent in the available images
of contemporary airframes.
I decided to leave the cockpit
open, as this was often the case
just before flying off the cramped
flight decks of the carriers.
Airfix continues its current string of
very nice, newly engineered, and very
reasonably priced kits with this Sea
Hurricane. It is on par with any Far
East-developed kit and offers some
clever engineering, which makes for
an easy build with near perfect fit.
I highly recommended this kit to
all Hurricane lovers, even with the
few small items missing that I had
to add. My thanks to Airfix for this
review sample and the editor for
allowing me to build this nice model.
Added items such as head rest, rear view mirror, seat belts, and cockpit grips
Added oil collector ring Arrestor hook and added rear catapult fittings
056-63-Reviews-0918.indd 59 16/08/2018 17:34