Fly Past

(Barry) #1

98 FLYPAST May 2018

1918 2018

A little-known event in which
we pilots of 213 were involved
was Tito’s decision to set up an
elementary training school on
Yugoslavian soil. Believe it or not,
we were to fly the first Tiger Moths
from Brindisi, Italy, across the
Adriatic to Zara.
I cannot recall how many aircraft
were involved, I think there were six.
These were redecorated in Yugoslav
Air Force colours and parked at
Brindisi. On April 6, 1945 we pilots
were flown down to Brindisi in a

We each took over a Tiger and
then proceeded by way of Bari and
Campomarino, where we night
stopped at the squadron. We then
continued to Iesi, just inland from
Ancona, for another night stop.
The following morning, we flew to
a new training school in Yugoslavia
at Zemunik. The flight across the
Adriatic took two hours and we were
escorted by a Supermarine Walrus!
The only comment in my
logbook stated: “cold as buggery
over the Adriatic.” Later the same
day the Halifax took us back to

Zagreb being packed with Luftwaffe
A joint attack was planned with
us in 213 and our rivals in 249
Squadron by four Mustangs from
each unit. Bill Straker led our
section and all eight Mustangs went
down from about 12,000ft in line
abreast, but most of the birds had
My fellow South African ‘Tommy’
Thomson, who arrived with me,
must have been hit as we saw
his Mustang in flames and it
crashed straight into the ground.
Miraculously, he had somehow
managed to bale out and he became
a prisoner.
Six more South Africans arrived
at about this time, so that by now
we were just about in the majority
among the pilots.

“My last operation was fl own on May 4, 1945. It was two hours and “My last operation was fl own on May 4, 1945. It was two hours and
fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway

“My last operation was fl own on May 4, 1945. It was two hours and
fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway

“My last operation was fl own on May 4, 1945. It was two hours and “My last operation was fl own on May 4, 1945. It was two hours and
fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway

“My last operation was fl own on May 4, 1945. It was two hours and

siding, strafed locomotives and gharries”siding, strafed locomotives and gharries”

fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway
siding, strafed locomotives and gharries”

fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway
siding, strafed locomotives and gharries”

fi ve minutes, an armed recce on which we bombed a railway

The badge of 213
Squadron, a hornet and
the motto: The hornet
attacks when roused.

The 213 Squadron
offi cers’ mess at
Campomarino. The bar
counter was the fi n
of a Liberator and the
bar stools were made
from the tail sections of
250lb bombs!

Mustang IV KM326
of 213 Squadron at
Biferno, 1945.
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