Fly Past

(やまだぃちぅ) #1




A main event in the RAF 100 calendar, the annual RAF Cosford Air
Show seems certain to maintain – if not, to exceed – its recent form as
one of the most varied and imaginative occasions of the year. FlyPast
and Aeroplane magazines are once more the official media partners
for the show on June 10, which will major on the RAF anniversary
both in the air and on the ground. The centrepiece of the static park
is a 100-aircraft showcase, in chronological order, of RAF types from
1918 to 2018. Among the machines on hand are several RAF Museum
charges making rare outdoor appearances including its Bristol M1C,
Sopwith 1½ Strutter, Gladiator, Defiant, the Gloster F9/40 prototype
of the Meteor, Devon C2, Pembroke C1 and Jetstream T1. Phantom
FG.1 XV582, the famed ‘Black Mike’, from the British Phantom
Aviation Group and the Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre’s Lightning
(see ‘News’) are already being prepared for their part in the line-up.
Many other aircraft, whether in airworthy or static condition, have
already been confirmed. The list is growing, and more aircraft will be
added in the coming months.
Different aspects of RAF history and current operations will also be
highlighted in the flying programme. So far announced are the Avro
504K, BE2c and SE5a replicas from the Great War Display Team, the
Aircraft Restoration Company’s Blenheim, Hangar 11’s Spitfire PR.XI,
a Chipmunk, Jet Aerobatics’ Jet Provost T.5 and a very welcome
range of historic helicopters. Joining Andrew Whitehouse’s Whirlwind
and a pair of Gazelles from the Gazelle Squadron, which are all
familiar sights on the UK circuit, the Flying Bulls are bringing their
RAF-marked Bristol Sycamore from Salzburg for its British debut.
That alone, arguably, is reason enough to attend Cosford this year.
Note that, as last year, admission will be by advance ticket only – see
the website:

This Hurricane trio comprising Shuttleworth’s Sea Hurricane Ib and the Hurricane Is of
Hurricane Heritage and Hugh Taylor starred at Old Warden last year.

The Shuttleworth Collection’s Bristol F2B and SE5a recall the RAF centenary and 100 years
since the end of World War One.

The centenary of the Armistice ensures a busy summer for the Great War Display Team, on
both sides of the Channel.
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