Fly Past

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



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84 FLYPAST April 2018


udiences watching
Percival Provost T.1
XF603 performing at Old
Warden, Bedfordshire, will appreciate
the trainer’s elegant looks and lively
performance. It may not occur to
them that this machine is more than
an exhibit; it works hard for the
Shuttleworth Collection.
‘Dodge’ Bailey, Shuttleworth’s
chief pilot, explained its versatility:
“In flight crew licensing, although
a pilot may hold a rating for any
single-engine piston aircraft, a
number of areas of complexity have

been established which require
‘differences’ training. These include
retractable landing gear, variable pitch/
constant speed propellers and turbo/
supercharging, among other things.
“A typical pilot joining the
Shuttleworth group may not have
completed the appropriate differences
training. The Provost is useful
in providing an opportunity to
cover constant speed propeller and
“The Provost can be used to elevate
Collection pilots to the next level,
a stepping stone to the likes of the

Gladiator, Hind and Lysander. It’s
also ‘nearly a warbird’ in terms of
mass and I’d describe it as a pretty
straightforward aeroplane with a good
field of view.
“The RAF blew hot and cold over
whether it was better to use tandem
or side-by-side seating, one school of
thought being that it was better for
the instructor to be able to sit next to
the student to provide a reassuring
presence and be able to observe the
student directly.
“The other was that it was better to
have the instructor sit in a separate

Darren Harbar profi les the

Shuttleworth Collection’s

Provost T.1

Percival Provost XF603
fl ying from its Old
Warden base. ALL DARREN
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