Fly Past

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Closing date for entries is Friday 4th May 2018 at 12:00 GMT and winners
will be noti ed no later than Friday 11 May 2018. There is no cash prize
alternative and Editor’s decision is  nal. Accommodation and travel costs are
not included. On occasions Key Publishing and RAF Cosford Airshow may
make o ers on products or services that we believe to be of interest to our
customers. If you do not wish to receive this information please state NO
INFORMATION clearly on your entry. No purchase necessary. Tickets are valid for
use on Sunday 10th June 2018 only.

For your chance to win, simply send your name, address
and telephone number to: RAF Cosford Air Show Ticket
Competition, FlyPast April issue, Key Publishing, PO Box 100,
Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 1XQ.
Alternatively, e-mail the same information to [email protected]
with ‘FP April – RAF Cosford Air Show competition’ in the subject  eld.

Our friends at the RAF Cosford Air
Show are o ering  ve lucky Flypast
readers the chance to win a pair of
tickets (worth over £50) to this year’s
event, to be held on Sunday 10th June!

The RAF Cosford Air Show 2018 will be bigger
and better than ever before, as a key RAF100
event with unique centenary celebrations
planned. The six-hour  ying display will feature
a chronological assortment of ex-Royal Air
Force aircraft types alongside modern aircraft
of today’s RAF and international contributions.
On the ground the show is putting on a unique
static exhibition of 100 aircraft, in chronological
order, to showcase the history and development
of the Royal Air Force.

pairs of tickets to

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