FlyPast 01.2018

(Barré) #1
January 2018 FLYPAST 115

Clockwise from top left
Wearing the colours of the Target Facilities Flight (TFF), based at RAF Wattisham, F.1 XM147
‘C’ awaits its turn for display in this 1973 view. Behind is the tail of an 85 Squadron Canberra.
This Lightning had a charmed life, being successfully repaired following major damage on at
least two occasions. It ended its days in 1994 on Pendine Ranges near Tenby.

The scene is an RAF Binbrook open day in 1968, and F.6 XS903 of 5 Squadron gleams for the
photographer. The aircraft is fi tted with over-wing fuel tanks and an array of weaponry is also
visible. Note the immaculate white coveralls worn by the two airmen nearest the camera.

One of the last Lightnings in active service was F.6 XR757, which spent most of its working life
with 11 Squadron at RAF Binbrook. After its retirement in June 1988 it was scrapped, although
the nose section is in private ownership near Grimsby.

Following its fi rst fl ight in the hands of English Electric test pilot Roland Beamont in
December 1964, F.3 XP741 spent much of its life with 111 Squadron, whose nose fl ash and
emblem the aircraft is wearing in this mid-1960s view at Wattisham.

A view of 56 Squadron at Wattisham at a 1960s open day, with the bold red team markings of the A view of 56 Squadron at Wattisham at a 1960s open day, with the bold red team markings of the A view of 56 Squadron at Wattisham at a 1960s open day, with the bold red team markings of the
unit highly visible in this line-up of F.1As. The colourful practice of individual squadron fl ashes was unit highly visible in this line-up of F.1As. The colourful practice of individual squadron fl ashes was unit highly visible in this line-up of F.1As. The colourful practice of individual squadron fl ashes was
sadly discontinued a few years later. sadly discontinued a few years later. sadly discontinued a few years later.
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