FlyPast 01.2018

(Barré) #1

40 FLYPAST January 2018


Jigs and spars
With 14,000 sq ft now available to
the team, the space is well utilised.
Steve walked around the facility
to highlight some of the current
projects. He started at the wing
jigs, where three of the hallmark
elliptical structures were being
worked on.
Steve pointed out a finished port
wing for enthusiast Mark Bennett’s
Spitfire IX LZ842 (G-CGZU)
awaiting delivery to warbird
operator Peter Monk’s Biggin Hill
Heritage Hangar. There it will join
the fighter’s fuselage, also an
Airframe Assemblies restoration.
The reconstruction of the starboard

wing of LZ842 is well advanced.
Adjacent in the jigs was a starboard
wing for Spitfire XVI TB885,
based at Peter’s hangar, and a less
advanced example for a future
Wings for the Anglia Aircraft
Restorations Hawker Tempest
II MW763 (G-TEMT) were in
the process of having major
components removed in
preparation for restoration to
airworthy standard. Steve explained
that jigs were being produced for
these wings.
A single Spitfire wing, still bearing
an RAF roundel, had some skins
taken off to allow inspection of

the structure. This was the BBMF
spares airframe, Mk.XVI TB382 –
more on this later.
Alongside the wing jigs is racking
containing square-section metal
tubes. These are mated inside
each other to form Spitfire wing
spars – only Airframe Assemblies
is certified to produce these – and
Steve said all the BBMF Spitfires are
flying with spars made in Sandown.
A further 30 or so flying Spitfires
have Airframe Assemblies spars,
so that’s quite some claim to fame.
Furthermore, during the past

The rudder pedal from a Spitfi re proudly
bearing the Supermarine name.

Each part is carefully machined to technical
drawings using modern techniques. This is a
freshly-machined hinge assembly.

Below right
The arrestor hook assembly of Seafi re Mk.XV

Far right
When completed, SR462 will be the second
Seafi re Mk.XV fl ying, the other being PR503
in America.
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