FlyPast 01.2018

(Barré) #1

8 FLYPAST January 2018


Phantoms on the move and on display

McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom
XV582 ‘Black Mike’ has been
delivered by road to RAF Museum
Cosford, in preparation for the RAF
Cosford Air Show on June 10, 2018.
The airframe, now owned by GJD
Services, has been the subject of a
campaign by aviation enthusiasts
to restore it to exhibition standard.
David Butterfi eld, from the British
Phantom Aviation Group, said: “We
are extremely proud and honoured
to participate with ‘Black Mike’
at the airshow. Our hardworking
team of volunteers has shown
outstanding knowledge, skills and

aptitude to make the move from
Leuchars [in Scotland] happen. We
look forward to working with Cosford
over the coming months and we are
certain that the aircraft will be a
great attraction within the RAF
static display.”
Air Show Operations Manager
Peter Reoch said: “Phantoms played
a critical role in defending the
UK’s airspace during the Cold War.
Therefore, having an example of the
type was essential for the airshow’s
RAF100 exhibition. It will be the fi rst
of many aircraft transported by road
to Cosford over the coming months

specifi cally for display at the event.”
Another Phantom in the public eye
recently was FG.1 XV586, the star
attraction at a night photography

shoot at RNAS Yeovilton on
October 26. The event was
organised by Threshold Aero in
aid of the Fly Navy Heritage Trust.
The jet received its striking 892
NAS paint scheme in 2014, having
previously been a ‘gate guardian’
at Leuchars.
Finally, staff at the Castle Air
Museum in Atwater, California,
have recently added new
markings to the attraction’s
USAF Thunderbirds-schemed
McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom
66-0289. The jet now represents

‘Thunderbird 5’, as fl own with the
display team by local veteran Capt
Steve Dwelle.

McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom XV582 ‘Black Mike’ arriving at Cosford in October.

Castle Air Museum’s F-4E Phantom 66-0289 in its new markings. TONY SACKETOS

FG.1 XV586 on ‘night patrol’ at Yeovilton.
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