FlyPast 06.2018

(Barry) #1

100 FLYPAST June 2018


Marham paint shop on January 31
this year. The team had to handle
it with kid gloves to transport it by
road to Yorkshire without a scratch.
The project was due to conclude
at the same time as the RAF 100
celebrations began in April 2018,
however at the time of writing there
was still some work to be done. The
final element involves rebuilding

and restoring internal cockpit parts
and refurbishing the ejection seat.
Once the items have been refitted,
a new ‘old stock’ canopy, along with
overhauled wheels and tyres, will
provide the finishing touches.
In April 2015 we had the privilege
of reuniting Sqn Ldr Tom Lecky-
Thompson with his mount. In a very
emotional day Tom, now in his 80s,

was back in the cockpit for the first
time in over four decades. We are
hoping he will come back for the roll-
out ceremony when we’ve been able
to finalise a date.
The Harrier’s future is now secured
with its new owner, who is as
passionate about it and its history as
everyone who has been involved in
the project.

Although XV741 is part of a private
collection, the owner is looking
for a suitable museum to take the
aircraft on short-term loan, so the
restoration work can be enjoyed by
the public for two or three years.
Museums interested in displaying
this incredible Harrier should
contact Jet Art and form a

“The Harrier’s future is now secured
with its new owner, who is as
passionate about it and its history
as everyone who has been
involved in the project”

Loading the wings ready for the
journey back to Jet Art.

The fuselage of XV741 on cradles outside the
Marham paint shop, January 2018.

Applying stencil details inside the Marham
paint shop. GRAHAM HALL

The long-range ferry tanks completed.

Framed by the nose of GR.3 XZ130, GR.1
XV741 having arrived back at the Jet Art
workshop, January 2018. ALL COURTESY JET
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