FlyPast 06.2018

(Barry) #1


“I had to photograph shipping over the English Channel when fi ve

Spitfi res at an altitude of 30,500 feet attacked me. To make matters

worse, a fl ight of French Moranes then attacked at 16,000 feet”


Rank Shortened version RAF equivalent rank
Oberst - Group Captain
Oberstleutnant Obstlt Wing Commander
Major Maj Squadron Leader
Oberleutnant Oblt Flying Offi cer
Hauptmann Hptm Flight Lieutenant
Leutnant Lieutenant Pilot Offi cer
Feldwebel Fw Sergeant
Unteroffi zier Uffz Corporal
Oberfeldwebel Ofw Flight Sergeant
Gefreiter Gefr Leading Aircraftsman

Left centre and left
One of Sgt Edouard Salès’
Do 17 kills, which he
achieved with Sgt René
Trémolet of GC II/5. Oblt
Werner Thiel and Fw Ludwig
Schneider of 3.(F)/22
were captured when they
force-landed ‘4N+EL’
at Eincheville during a
reconnaissance mission
to Pont-à-Mousson; the
remaining crew member,
Gefr Gerner, was killed.

Below left
This is believed to be
‘Cobber’ Kain’s second
Do 17 shot down on
November 23, 1939. The
German machine was from
3.(F)/122 and was engaged
on a reconnaissance
mission in the Reims area.
It crashed near Raucourt-
et-Flaba where Ofw Baptist
Schlapp and his two crew
were captured.

Kain reads the telegram
notifying him of his DFC
in January 1940. He is
fl anked by Flt Lt Reg
Lovett (left), Sgt Tom Pyne
(rear) and Plt Off Newell
‘Fanny’ Orton (right).

June 2018 FLYPAST 115
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