14 | MAGAZINE 10
it is possible to see the command
precision. Once induced lateral in-
clination, just release side stick and
the aircraft remains at the same al-
titude. We simulate a single-engine
flight. We simulate a single-engine
flight. Result is interesting. Due to
the FBW system, almost no inter-
ference from the pilot is required
to stabilize the aircraft and there is
much power available.
We abandon the maneuver area
and proceed towards the traffic
circuit, during descent. I try using
the speed brake. It is efficient and
adjustable; it does not transfer too
much vibration to the fuselage,
and it becomes necessary, depend-
ing on procedure and restriction
type, since the aircraft is “smooth”.
The procedure indicated by the
control was ILST for runway 15.
Speeds for beginning configura-
tion with flaps are not high, a
characteristic of high-performance
aircrafts. We select flap at full
position, which represents 37 de-
grees and our Vref was 106 KIAS,
surprising for an aircraft of the
Praetor 600 size and with a wing
without slats.
During final approach, due
to the efficiency of commands,
manual approach becomes easy
and pleasant and, thanks to the
presence of carbon brakes in the
landing gear assembly, ground
touch is soft. While releasing side
stick, the aircraft nose majesti-
cally stoops down, until touching
ground. With spoiler automatic
operation plus the use of reversing
gear, it becomes practically unnec-
essary the use of brakes, which are
equipped with autobrake.
Finally, we leave the runway
and we come back to Embraer’s
apron. The Praetor 600 is a jet
with excellent cost-benefit ratio,
designed to compete in a market
niche were the Legacy
models were not able.
US$ 22 million
of maneuvers, including stall at-
tempts at high and low speeds.
We tried, but, with the activated
protection mode, this is not pos-
sible, as well as complete turn,
around the longitudinal axis.
During high inclination curves,