MAGAZINE 10 | (^19)
Even before the serious crisis that
has faced over the last past years,
also getting poor results in the eco-
nomy, Brazil continues to be one of
the world’s powers and long-range
business aviation becomes more
important than ever. Domestic
companies and industries are aware
of the internal challenge, which
obliges them to focus more and
more in the foreign market. To
do this, having an aircraft capable
to fly nonstop from Sao Paulo to
Moscow means a competitive ad-
vantage, since its operator has high
flexibility of existing destinations.
Bombardier has included the
capital city of the state of Sao Paulo
in its world tour. The invitation for
getting to know the Global 7500
considerd a visit to the model in
the Congonhas airport, something
that fairly calls the attention. After
all, an aircraft with capacity to fly
nonstop over 7,700 nautical miles
landing without restrictions in an
airport with the profile of Congon-
has is a rare fact. Of course, it is not
the first model of the type to do
this, the Falcon 8X and the G650
itself have passed several times by
this airport. Even so, we do not
need all the fingers of one hand to
count apparitions like this one.
Another point that calls the
attention is the size of the aircraft,
that does not feel intimidated besi-
de commercial jets, but at the same
time is capable to operate at the res-
tricted aprons of the airport general
aviation. Obviously, demanding
more attention.
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)