Aero Magazine International – September 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

MAGAZINE 22 | (^25)
next 20 years,804,000pilotsand769,000
America.Althoughthisnotyeta problem,soon
it willbe.Governmentagencies,private-owned
sharingcrewmenasa solution.Manypeoplesimply
buyinga timeshareorblockinginanaircraftfleet.
Thisproblemis a motorforthenexttrendinourlist.


Twenty five years ago,
the user had two op-
tions when it came to private
aviation: charter or property of
an entire aircraft. Today there
are tens of options, but what is
driving this is the most inte-
resting thing. I call this “Net-
flix effect”: we used to buy tens
or hundreds of VHS and DVD
that we watched once and then
we kept them in our shelves.
Now we subscribe a service,
for a small fixed rate, and we
watch anything, in any place,
at any moment. We want the
experience, not the property.
The same is going on with exe-
cutive aviation. People want
experience and convenience,
without the headaches and
challenges of property. This
change is driving a revolution
in aviation, leading to the
creation of enterprises based
on applications, split proper-

ty, timesharing and jet club
models. All this is going on
because customers’ preferences
are changing and the market is


Another trend (or
revolution) in avia-
tion is the arrival of eVTOL
aircrafts, capable to land and
take off with vertical move-
ments. They are fully electric
vehicles with capacity for short
flights, operating at several
places and flying pilotless. All
the big aviation enterprises are
investing on this technological
novelty, led by Embraer and
Airbus. Uber has an entire
division dedicated to bring
this solution to the market,
Uber Elevate. Signature Flight
Support, the world’s largest
FBO chain, with 220 partici-
pants, has just committed to

build the infrastructure of new
terminals to serve the pass-
engers, the so called skyports.
Rolls-Royce, AT&T and also
carmakers are heavily inves-
ting on this technology that
will transform aviation in a
sustainable and safe way. Ei-
ther by established enterprises
or startups, it is a fact that this
segment will continue growing
as a feasible method to bring
air trips to mass population,
drastically reducing costs. The-
re are other trends that should
be highlighted, including the
arrival of biofuels, emission
reduction and dependence on
big data.

*David Clark, an aviation consultant, is ad-
ministrative director of the Integris Aviation
Group and specialized in aircraft sales and
acquisitions in Brazil, working with some of the
biggest enterprises and individuals with very
high assets in the country.
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